You get to desire big money because you just do.

You don't need anyone else's validation to follow your passion and attract the wealth that you desire and deserve.

You just need to believe that it's possible for you.

It's good to have goals and it's good to know your numbers,

BUT, your belief in you being worthy of charging X amount or receiving X amount or desiring X amount, has nothing to do with your success in business.

You get to desire those things because you just do.

Having money goals is about that the freedom, the security and the opportunity that that dollar figure brings to you in your life.

Money goals and achievements are thrown around a lot in the online world and can be super deflating when you aren't hitting 10k, 20k, 50k months like your peers.

But remember that if you desire too then it was meant for you and you will figure out a way if you choose too.

So when you set a money goal, don't just pick a number out of thin air or follow a common trend that you see on insta, find a figure that means something to you.

You are far more likely to reach those money goals when there is a reason why it is important, why you desire it, when it means something to you.

So ask yourself,

👉When I hit that number and receive that money,

👉When I attract that level of abundance,

👉What does that even mean for you?

One of the first things we do in Money Methodology is set a money goal.

So what is yours? Join us in the kick off starting March 16th at 12:30pm AEDT

Carla xx


Being wealthy is a state of BEING, not having.


Common misconceptions about money.