Being wealthy is a state of BEING, not having.

What does it mean to you to be wealthy?

What does a wealthy woman look like? Dress like? Act like?

What things does she say to herself and those around her about money and about being successful?

Maybe it triggers you when you see wealthy people?

Maybe you become jealous, cast judgement, shoot down their success?

These are all normal feelings when you have blocks around worthiness, confidence and self belief, so don't feel ashamed by these reactions, use them to guide you.

The answer to all of your questions, all of your desires, it lies within your shadows.

In those areas of your subconscious, that you would rather leave alone.

The reason you are triggered by other people is because a part of you wants what they have.

On the flip side,

Maybe you feel excited or energized when you see a wealthy person because you really want to be wealthy,

You want to be that version of wealth that you perceive,

But you feel like a bit of a d*ck saying it out loud.

A wealthy woman in my opinion is,

💋Someone who embodies wealth,

💋Who radiates confidence,

💋She loves herself,

💋She knows herself worth,

💋She knows what she's here to do and who to be,

💋And she is free.

Being wealthy is a state of BEING, not having.

To learn more about embodiment work and reframing your triggers, join me in Money Methodology, starting in just 3 days time. (Wednesday March 16th)

Carla xx


If you are chasing the money, then you have it all wrong.


You get to desire big money because you just do.