Common misconceptions about money.

👉There isn't enough money to go round.⁠

👉Having too much money means you're greedy.⁠

👉Investing is only for rich people.⁠

👉Budgets are for broke people.⁠

👉Wanting more money means you aren't grateful.⁠

Any of these resonating with you?⁠

There are a million of these little money myths that float around in our heads every single day, whether we notice them or not.⁠

They directly and indirectly effect the decisions that we make, our habits, our behaviours, the way we spend, the way we save, the way we treat ourselves, the way we treat others.⁠

Here is a loving little nudge from me to you if you truly want to feel wealth on every level...⁠

🛑Do the work to actually believe it is possible for you to be wealthy in the first place.⁠

🛑Remove the jealousy, the judgement, the comparison from your life completely.⁠

🛑Decide what you want in life, what is your money goal, who is the person you desire to become, remembering that if you can think it then it was meant for you. It is done.⁠

🛑Start treating all money like it is real money, with respect, with love, with gratitude and repeat to yourself "There is more where that came from" as if it will always flow back, because money is simply energy.⁠

If you want to learn more and actually start to do the work, then join me in Money Methodology that kicks off March 16th.⁠


You get to desire big money because you just do.


More Money = More Impact.