Avoidance won’t make you rich.

Are you avoiding looking at your money because of the financial chaos going on in your mind?

Let’s talk about avoidance and why you might be doing it:

👉Scared to see the real picture and not be able to bury your head in the sand anymore.

👉Thinking someone else will come and save you and make it all better and bail you out.

👉If you don’t look at it the problems don’t exist and it will magically get better.

👉You don’t believe you are good with money, full stop.

Here are 3 ways to move through this:

1️⃣Start looking at your money and becoming intimate with it, because it is a relationship and if you don’t give a relationship attention and focus then how can it ever improve? Remember that if nothing changes, then nothing changes.

2️⃣Begin to become comfortable with showing appreciation for not just the money flowing in, but the money flowing out. Money is energy, it wants to flow, when spent intentionally it will always flow back to you.

3️⃣Your financial past does not dictate what is possible for your financial future. Get clear on what you want and take it one step at a time, progress happens when you make a commitment to yourself to improve just 1% at a time and teying to be better than you were yesterday. There is no such thing as failure, only lessons to learn from.

What is a 1% improvement you can make today to change the trajectory of your financial future?

Carla xx


Rewire your mind to become comfortable with holding money.


Earning money isn’t your issue, this is.