Rewire your mind to become comfortable with holding money.

The fact is that it never matters the actual amount of money you make, it matters if you believe you are worthy enough to hold it.

So how do you rewire your mind to become comfortable with holding money?

  1. Awareness: What comes to mind when you think about money, rich people, lucky people? Catch these thoughts and record them, because at the beginning there is a whole lot of them that do not serve you now and where you truly desire to go. If you want your reality to change then your mindset has to change first and everything else will catch up.

  2. Acknowledgement: Say thanks to those thoughts (as all thoughts are trying to keep you safe and in your comfort zone), but then let them go with love. Repeat this, “Thank you for trying to keep me safe but I lovingly give you back to where you came from.” This is important because you will start to realise that most of your beliefs around money aren’t even yours.

  3. Activation: Reframe all beliefs that haven’t served you and turn them into a slightly more positive one you can get behind. I.e. I’m not good with money >> I am learning to be better with money. Just a slight shift makes your subconscious mind begin to see a new path, a new way and begins to create new neural pathways. Quick reminder, your subconscious mind is where your habits exist and the way you’ve been operating with money is just habits you’ve formed over time that stem from the beliefs and thought you have. Change your thoughts, change your life.


Building a global business & why I will never give up.


Avoidance won’t make you rich.