Earning money isn’t your issue, this is.

Often earning money isn’t the problem, managing money is where you may slip up, especially in business.

Budgets don’t mean you are broke, but having a money plan, (whatever works for you because it is never the method you use, it’s your intention and commitment with it), is important no matter how much you earn.

You may even feel intimidated by money because you dont understand it and were probably not taught about it in school or from your parents.

You are normal, none of that matters. You get to decide your story, you get to change the narrative.

You get too if you believe in yourself enough and start trying.

Becoming comfortable with saving money is a skill, it is a success habit that you can form, but our habits live in our subconscious mind along with our beliefs, conditioning and inhibitions, which inevitably control our behaviour.

Journal on these to break through the sabotaging behaviours around saving:

👉What do I think about saving money?

👉How do I sabotage myself when I have access?

👉What is the most amount I believe I can “realistically" save and what do I dream of it being?

These will highlight your mindset blocks around saving. Saving is a success habit because the more money you have, the more impact you can make and the more you can experience in your life.

The only limits ate the ones you place on yourself, do you agree?

Carla xx


Avoidance won’t make you rich.


Entrepreneurial money success habits.