Entrepreneurial money success habits.

Do you treat your business like a real business or just like a side hustle?

There’s no problem treating it like a side hustle for extra money if that’s all you desire it to be, but if you dream of it being your ticket to financial freedom then here are 5 things you need to do.

1️⃣Set us a separate business account for your incoming and outgoings.

2️⃣Stop stealing from your business and learn to pay yourself a wage (no matter how small).

3️⃣Have a separate money plan (aka budget) for your business and personal.

4️⃣Have money goals but be specific on what that amount of money means to you and why you desire it (the why is so incredibly important, because this is your driving force for staying committed to growth and being consistent).

5️⃣Simplify and streamline all the systems you use and see what systems can do more than one function in your business. There are so many systems you can use for free and so many options these days, so research, ask others, compare and review constantly.

These 5 things have saved me so much time, so much money and so much mental space.

Start up costs can blow out (been there done that🤦‍♀️) but these habits have really helped me stay focused and keep business easy and simple.

It doesn’t have to be confusing, it’s human nature to overcomplicate everything, but that can suck the joy and excitement, so establishing supportive success habits from the beginning make life and business so much easier and more profitable👌

What success habits have supported you?

Carla xx


Earning money isn’t your issue, this is.


You are not a failure if you work alongside growing your business.