Money isn’t just a means to an end.

Money wasn’t created so you could use it to just get by, to be controlled by it, to allow it to be the thing that decides if you get your dream life or not.

Your Self Worth = Your Money Mindset…. read that again.

There are two polar opposite ends when it come to money mindset set;

1 - Complete and utter avoidance, this looks like not opening your bank account, checking statements, hoping it will work out and you’ll have enough but never actually creating or sticking to a money plan.

2 - Total hoarding and control, this looks like locking every cent away never to be seen again because it may just run out, or someone may steal it, or something terrible will happen and you need it there.

Which one are you?

Where you want to be is in the middle, I call this the neutral territory.

Once you neutralize the emotions attached to your money and how worthy or unworthy you feel having a lot of it, then the magic that was meant to unfold in your life that requires the support of money can happen.

Miracles do exist, but it is you that decides if you will allow them into your life, or whether you will remain a victim to your circumstances.

Carla xx


Create possibilities not problems for your children.


Fear of judgement holding you back?