Fear of judgement holding you back?

Why is it that you believe it matters what others think?

That you should ensure you don’t shine too bright and be noticed?

Or that following your own internal guidance system is somehow not the answer?

I too thought this for so long, too long in fact that it took me until the month I turned 30 to experience what I could only describe as an awakening.

Since then I have never looked back and now know with complete certainty that there isn’t anything standing in my way, other than myself, if I allow it.

The word alignment is thrown around a lot, but when I found what the definition meant to me, that was when everything changed,

Alignment = Joy, so my promise to myself is to commit to feeling as much joy as I possibly can.

Sounds simple because it is, we are simply conditioned to make things harder than they need to be, to impose limitations upon ourselves, to view obstacles rathe than solutions.

It is the reason I see many business owners staying stagnant and stuck, because I have experienced this too I understand what energetic shifts need to happen.

From putting offers out that no one bought, to selling programs I haven’t yet created, there is magic to be taught.

Where are you not allowing yourself to move, to grow, to learn, to succeed and to simply see things differently because of the fear od being judged?

Let’s put a stop to it.

Momentum Mastermind kicks off June 1st, get ready.

Carla xx


Money isn’t just a means to an end.


Money empowers my creativity and confidence