Money is simply a neutral resource.

Money is simply a neutral resource, a tool to trade for services and products.

We could use absolutely anything to trade for good and services, like food or salt like they did back in the day.

Then we created money and attached a value to it so now it has a meaning and it means something different it each and every one of us.

Money is just energy, as is almost everything in this 3D reality of ours.

The meaning and emotions we attach to money (and all of our materialistic items or experiences) are what hold us back, not the actual item or event, but the meanings we have attached to ourselves about those things.

It's my job as your coach to explore and expand your view and perception of these events in your life and to remove the emotional attachment and meaning about you.

This is how you move beyond those beliefs and so called truths, to attract and create what you only ever dreamed was possible, but that little naggy voice in your head said "keep dreaming."

If it was possible for them, then it was absolutely possible for you. They are living proof.

What are you dreaming of creating and attracting?

Carla xx

Uncover and release your top money block in just 1 hr - Book your IGNITED session


It is safe for you to invest in yourself.


Never use this phrase again!