Never use this phrase again!

Many of the money blocks I hear from clients are linked to worthiness and self belief, and often start with the phrase "I can't."

I can't is a phrase I immediately want shifted out of everyones vocabulary.

Why you might be thinking?

This phrase instantly blocks you from even trying the thing you want to do/have/be/create/receive, therefore instantly blocking any form of success of progress in your life or business.

You CAN do hard things.

You CAN create anything you want.

You CAN receive all of your desires.

The reframing begins with recognising every time you feel the phrase "I can't" about to blurt out of your mouth..... Stop, take a breath and reframe the situation by using a different wording that insinuates you will find a way/you will work it out/you will continue even if you are not sure how to yet etc.

Reframing is one of the most powerful techniques you can do and moving away from words like "can't" that originate from a place of lack and scarcity will always move you closer to what you want.

When was the last time this came up for you?

Check out this weeks' episode of the Money Mindset Hub podcast where I go deeper on this topic - Ep 10. This phrase blocks your manifestations instantly.

Carla xx

Uncover and release your top money block in just 1 hr - Book your IGNITED session


Money is simply a neutral resource.


Money doesn't have an ulterior motive, it doesn't discriminate.