It is safe for you to invest in yourself.

Several years ago would not have reflected on situations and wanted to find the silver lining.

I was conditioned to hold on to the shit show and let it run my mood and emotions for several days, playing everything over in my head, I am sure you can relate!

So last week I was very sick, the sickest I have been in several years and no, before anyone asks it wasn't the 'vid.

I had done it to myself as I often do;

  • Burn myself out trying to keep up with every other successful business woman I see kicking goals

  • Not prioritising my rest and self care

  • Getting lost in the stress of all my assignments to complete before Chrissy

  • Then of course there is Christmas itself

I had a Human Design reading this week and finally for the first time in my life, I understand to a deeper level why I operate the way I do, how to use my gifts and strengths to my advantage to make a bigger impact, why I burn out so easily and what I need to do reach my desired level of ease and flow.

This got me thinking.....

If my human design can tell me all of these things, then I'm sure it can tell me how to further attune to abundance and create the legacy wealth I desire for my family and generations to come.

Would learning about how you can uniquely attune to abundance and create wealth according to your human design be of interest to you?

I think I have found my new obsession!

Carla xx

Uncover and release your top money block in just 1 hr - Book your IGNITED session


Burnout and under pricing leads to one thing.


Money is simply a neutral resource.