It is a choice to own your opulence and take up space.

Owning your opulence refers to embracing all the parts of you,

Who you are,

Who you were born to be,

The areas of yourself you would rather leave undiscovered,

Knowing with complete certainty that who you are and where you are right now is exactly where you are meant to be,

This is all a part of your journey and through every challenge there is always an opportunity or lesson to be discovered.

We all have a vision of you we are,

A perception of who we were born to be,

What we were born to do,

But this light can dim over time and we can become lost, overwhelmed, sad, in a rut, confused, anxious, second guessing every decision we make.

Only a few years ago I felt so much lack, so much stress, so out of control of my life, at times felt like I should quit, give up and just go back to focusing on working my way back up the corporate ladder, because..
👉How was I ever going to make it in business?
👉How was I going to make the kind of money I desired too?
👉The impact I wanted to create?
👉Reach the levels of success I desired to?
👉Make money feel easy and by doing what I loved?

These were all stories, beliefs, misconceptions that I had to face and were mostly learnt form what I observed in my life.

But I chose for them to not be my truth and so can you.

You get to decide what is meant for you and what you are capable of, and honestly self belief and cultivating confidence is a tough thing to master, it take practice, but you were born to do, be, have, create and experience more.

This came from investing in myself, in coaches, in programs that I knew would elevate me and hold me accountable, because doing more of the same will only equal more of the same.

Carla xx


There is hidden beauty in judgement and jealousy.


Money is easier to earn when it is taken off the pedestal we placed it on.