There is hidden beauty in judgement and jealousy.

Money is an amplifier, it amplifies the characteristics of a person, so if you are someone who is kind and compassionate, then money will amplify those traits in you,

But if you are greedy and selfish then those are the parts it will amplify.

We see in movies all the time and may have even witnessed in our own lives, people who were quite well off that were rude, selfish, greedy and just straight up not a kind person,

But is this always true?

It is if you believe it to be.

Falling into the belief around stereotypes and putting people in boxes does not serve them,

And it does not serve you.

If you wish to possess the levels of success and wealth that these people have whom you cast judgement on, then know that you cna never have what you judge.

Instead do this when you feel those emotions = lovingly send them blessings and good vibes, praise them, allow them to inspire you, give them the benefit of doubt and assume they are a beautiful and caring person.

Sounds strange right?

It is law of attraction 101, you cannot attract what you judge, because this is a quick way to know you are not a vibrational match for whatever it is they have that you desire.

Judgement and jealousy are low vibrational emotions and you can never attract what you desire if you operate from this place,

So please take notice of these key emotions, because they will truly identify what you desire in life.

We never get jealous or judgmental towards someone unless they possess something we desire, so use it as a tool of self discovery instead to gain clarity on what you want to call in, especially if you struggle to get clear on what it is you want in life.

Carla xx


2023 is the year calling you to rise up, are you ready for the challenge?


It is a choice to own your opulence and take up space.