Money is easier to earn when it is taken off the pedestal we placed it on.

Now I'm not saying to not set scary goals, because if it doesn't scare you even a little bit then you need to dream bigger.

What I'm saying is that often you may put money on a pedestal and treat it like it is so far out of reach for you that you struggle to even get behind it and give up, hide, not treat your business like a real business, make excuses, allow self sabotage to take over. (Guilty 👋 We are all human, we have all been there, so don't be hard on yourself).

The goal here is to practice allowing that big money goal to become familiar, to feel safe, to be a no brainer, so much so that you can get behind it, you can commit to it, you can take the action required, ultimately getting you closer and closer to reaching it.

However, with any money goal there needs to be an emotional connection to it. It is never about the money, it is always what that money can provide.

Do not set a 10k per month money goal just because it appears like the most obvious next step, work out what your vision is and what revenue will get there there.

Example: Let's say you want to quit your job and go all in and so you look a the figures and you find you only need 8k per month to do that, then that's your goal. No go and get that money 🔥

Ps. Money Methodology will completely transform your perception of money and what is possible for you and right now it is on sale until Nov 30.

Link in bio or visit

Carla xx


It is a choice to own your opulence and take up space.


My mission is to support soul led women in business simplify money to create freedom & success without hustling.