I am on a mission to earn into the millions, are you?

Money is taboo and I get it, but who the hell cares!

You are not in competition with anyone other than yourself,

If you feel you need to prove someone wrong or right or be better than another person,

Well babe, the money ain’t going to come to you when the energetic frequency behind it is built up in jealousy, competition and comparison.

Here is when the money will come:

  1. You gain clarity on what you desire.

  2. You write your own rules on how you will do life and business.

  3. Stop listening to people who are not living the life you desire or earning the kind of money you want to earn.

  4. Understanding your Human Design type is a great tool to use for clarity.

  5. Listen to your intuitive nudges/get feels/emotional responses (aka. your authority) and take action.

  6. Release the need to control every situation and exactly how the money will show up.

  7. Learn to trust yourself and become comfortable with the money amount you desire, as if it is a not a big deal.

  8. Begin to consider the possibilities that are available to you, let yourself dream and feel into it.

I am on a mission to earn into the millions, and I am going to show you all how.

Me even saying that could have triggered some of you, and guess what….

Triggering is a key identifier that you too desire those millions for yourself (or whatever it was that triggered you), just sayin’ it is a great way to get clarity on your true desires real quick.

Journal prompts: What triggers you when you scroll on social media? Who are you jealous of right now? What do they have that you want?

Carla xx


Materialistic luxuries aren’t for people like us.


Logical and illogical money patterns.