Logical and illogical money patterns.

When it comes to money, we have times when we need to dance between logical and illogical outcomes, behaviours and patterns.

I am a money mindset coach, so yes I love all things energetics, manifestation, subconscious conditioning and so on,

But I am also a mum of three pre-school aged children, with a background in financial counselling, so I know too well the pressure that money has on relationships and typically those with children.

Money is unfortunately one of the main reasons why couples separate, which is sad but understandable.

My husband and I have also had times when money hasn’t been flowing in as abundantly as we would have liked it too or really required it too.

There was one time in particular which at the beginning of 2019 when our son (second child) was born, it was beyond tough, literally having no money and being asset rich but cash poor, I know many of you will relate to that feeling.

That was the moment I thought stuff this, I am never feeling like this again and stumbled upon money mindset and it led me here.

I always find the universe highlights things to you when you need to learn about it the most, when you are struggling with something.

I had a client say to me today that the tears were flowing as she was going through my Money Methodology program and she is only into module 2 out of 5.

It warmed my heart reading it, because it was clear to her that it was an area she needed to heal and evolve and she will, and also that the magic of emotions was oruing out of her in real time.

She is committed to her growth with money and desire for more so she will absolutely succeed, self awareness is always the first step.

Are you committed to growing your relationships with money and desire more?

If you don’t know, here is one question and the only answer if Yes or No……

Do you have an overflow of money available to you?… Yes or no? You know what to do……

Money Methodology is running live for the last time August 3rd - 31st, I invite you to join if you feel it is time.

Carla xx


I am on a mission to earn into the millions, are you?


It is safe for me to have more than I need.