An Ongoing Monthly Experience For the Trailblazer Ready to Go All In & Build Her Online Empire.

For the Purpose-Driven Woman Ready to Cultivate Confidence & Step Into Her Wealthiest Self

Wealth is a state of being, not of having. It is who you are to your core.

The highest version of you radiates an energy of abundance, people are drawn to you, you create an audience of raving fans for purely allowing yourself to become fully expressed.

The brutal truth…

If YOU don’t take a chance on you, NO ONE will.

You are the author of your life and you decide how it plays out, what do you choose?

Imagine what it would be like if…

You finally backed yourself and decided that you were no longer going to allow your fears to be bigger than your dreams.

You had zero self doubt and backed every decision you made,

You cultivated unshakeable self confidence and self belief,

You knew without a doubt that every dream of yours is inevitable, it’s only a matter of time,

You allowed money to flow to you without feeling self sabotage,

You created a life and business that you never want to escape,

You finally knew the meaning of time freedom and financial freedom…

Hey I’m Carla!

CEO, Wife, Mama & Your Money Mindset & Success Coach

I promise, YOU CAN do, be and have it all, because you will change your whole damn life with this work!

How do I know that?

Because this work changed my entire life!

I would not be the woman, mother or wife I am today, if it wasn't for committing to my dreams of having an online business that could impact women worldwide and create true freedom and fulfillment.

I relaunched my business to what it is today in June 2021 with a newborn baby, 2 year old and 4 year old at my feet and zero kid free days but the determination to give it all I had.

Fast forward to December 2023 and I quit my part time job and went all in, because I no longer needed that security, I built it for myself and so can you.

What You’'ll Learn:


Cultivate an abundant mindset so that your default way of operating is always in the frequency of more than enough.


Unlock the power of becoming un-triggerable so that nothing and no one will keep you stuck and you become the queen of momentum.


The follow through formula so that nothing is left up to chance and you create your unique path to prosperity once and for all.

Is this you?

👉 You want to know how to build real confidence so that people will take you seriously

👉 You know you were born to be rich but don’t get why money keeps feeling like a roller coaster no matter what you do

👉 You know you were born for more but the procrastination loop is one you you feel stuck in, especially when it comes to the tech side of business

👉 You want the no fluff approach to the fundamentals of beginning an online business

👉 You want to know what the missing key is because everyone else seems to be manifesting their dream life but you feel stuck

👉 You want to be seen as the expert but always second guess yourself and your efforts

👉 Your note entirely sure how to create or structure your offers

👉 You compare your pricing to everyone and second guess what you should charge



An Ongoing Monthly Experience For the Trailblazer Ready to Go All In & Build Her Online Empire.

The Membership

The Membership

Is This Right For You?

This is for you if…

You’re ready to learn what it really takes minus the airy fairy fluff you keep consuming

  • You know there is no limit to what you can create, but you have work to do on your mindset and behaviour

  • You’re tired of downloading all the freebies and never getting anywhere

  • You’re ready to go all in on your dreams and create your rich life

This is NOT for you if…

  • You’re not ready to take radical responsibility and still blame others for your situation

  • You are chasing a get rich quick option over chasing inner peace and true fulfillment

  • Your fear of judgement and failure is bigger than your why

  • You are not coachable and ready to be called out lovingly on your bs excuses

The Matrix Includes:

  • The Matrix Portal

    24/7 access to the Matrix portal to expand and evolve your wealth consciousness and step into your highest self.

    Connect anywhere, anytime all at the touch of a button, as the content is accessible via an app directly from your phone or desktop.

  • A Monthly Live Call with Carla

    Join Carla in a live session each month! These sessions are a mixture of teachings and activations to ignite your desire to reach your potential, as well as an opportunity to gain real time support and to be able to be in her energy to calibrate to you next level each month.

    Can’t join live? No stress, all replays are recorded and uploaded to the portal for you.

  • A Private Members Only Community

    Surround yourself with a group of like-minded purpose driven women on a mission to empower one another to rise. The members only Community group is all accessible via the app.


The Matrix Membership also includes several bonus lessons from featured guest experts to cover topics such as Human Design, Bookkeeping 101, Chakra Healing, Guided Hypnosis, Healing Generational Trauma and more.

You can access all the lessons and modules anywhere, anytime as all content is accessible via an app on your phone.


Monthly Payments of:


(Price is in USD)


  • When you join the Matrix Membership, you are making a three (3) month commitment.

    Post the three (3) month initial commitment, you can cancel at any time. Simply email the team at least 10 days prior to your next instalment at support@moneymindsethub.com and they will do this for you.

  • There is one monthly payment plan option where you pay an ongoing monthly fee, this will continue to roll on as a subscription.

    The price to join can be seen above on the website or when you click ‘Join Now’.

    Please know there is an initial commitment of three (3) months.

    (*All prices are in USD).

  • In the event that a monthly payment plan fails/declines for any reason, Thinkific will retry your card on file four times over a three week period and notify you via email that the payment failed.

    If the payment fails after the fourth attempt, the subscription will be cancelled and access to the program will be removed.

    Please email support@moneymindsethub.com if you need any assistance. (If the subscription is cancelled, you won't be able to re-join at your current rate, only what is advertised).

  • You will have access to all of the material in the course portal and the Community group whilst you are an active member.

    If you choose to cancel your membership after the initial three (3) month commitment, then your access will be removed on the same day that your membership is cancelled.

  • I will teach, guide, empower and support you on your journey to the absolute best of my ability, but it is you who is responsible for doing the work and results you attain.

    I know this program will change your life and I have no doubt you will receive more than you signed up for, but at the end of the day your transformation is your responsibility.

    Knowledge is only transformation once it is integrated, so I encourage you to take it at your own pace and ensure you integrate the lessons before moving on t the next thing. Please come to the live Q&A calls to get the extra support you need.

  • At MMH all sales are full and final due to the digital nature of the material being accessible instantly, therefore refunds are not issued.

    You must agree to the Terms & Conditions on the checkout page in order to proceed and sign up, so please read and ensure you understand and agree to those.

    Any questions, please feel free to send my team an email at support@moneymindsethub.com

  • Matrix the membership is a space and Community that you can plug in and out of at your own leisure.

    You are never behind and there is no need to feel like you have to complete the modules in order and by a set timeframe.

    Life happens, I completely understand, but I also know that only true transformation happens when you take complete responsibility for your life and you make your reason why bigger than your excuses.