130. Results Aren't Resulting? This is Why


Are you feeling like you’re doing all the things but still not seeing the results you desire? Whether it's in your client bookings, revenue, or engagement? Let’s uncover the hidden reason why things aren’t clicking. 

In this episode, we dive into the Distraction Dilemma and how constantly chasing new strategies, trends, and external validation could be pulling you off course. 

We Chat all Things:

  • The hidden money blocks keeping you stuck at the same income level

  • How to recode your financial frequency for six-figure and beyond cash months

  • The quantum leap formula to shift your relationship with money instantly

  • Embodying the identity of a multi-six or seven-figure CEO

  • Activating your wealth frequency through subconscious rewiring

Tune in now and let’s rewrite your money story! 

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Watch the full episode below:

  • Hello and welcome back to the Money Mindset Hub podcast. I'm your host, Carla Townsend, a money mindset and success coach here to help you dissolve your money blocks and unlock the secrets of your mind so that you can create a life and business that you never want to escape.

    So. Quick check in for all of you. If you feel like you are doing all the things, but your results just aren't resulting right, your effort is not being reflected in maybe the amount of clients that you're signing, maybe the money that's coming in, maybe the engagement that you're getting on social media, whatever it might be, let's talk about why so

    one key thing that I say all the time that everything can come back to when things aren't working and I myself have definitely experienced this several times over the years. So, on my own reflection, this is definitely what affected me and affected my results from time to time. And it was. How distracted you are being,

    and maybe this is going to be your thing to find out what is the behavior that you're having that you need to just knock on the head because it is actually directly impacting the level of results you're getting. So. First off, let's talk about the external distractions. So if you ever find yourself switching your strategies, you're looking for the next quick formula, the next code to success, the code to the clients, the new AI tool or AI prompt that's going to help you create these magical hooks and reels to go viral and to get all the clients.

    But you're constantly switching your strategies based on what others are doing and the results maybe they're getting and what you're seeing, it's just completely pulling you out of alignment because the fact is the illusion that others have cracked the code in reality, they're just committed to a path and they've stayed that course.

    So I want you to think about this. If you are constantly trying this, trying this, trying this, but you're not actually really giving it enough time, you're not committing to it for the longterm and have that longterm vision in mind, then you're going to constantly be pulled off course. And the more that you're pulled off course, the more that you're trying to like chase the next best strategy, then that is going to keep you and your results.

    It's very minimal and I know I've been there to, you know, this was particularly before I found out that I was a projector in human design is I would try everything that everyone else was doing because I thought that that's what I was supposed to do, but I just led to being burnt out, frustrated, annoyed, because I'm like, But this works for them.

    Why doesn't it work for me? And it's because it's not your own unique strategy. It doesn't work in with your life. Maybe you're trying to follow different strategies that work for people who are just completely in a different stage of life. Like if you're a mom and you have children and you only have a couple of days a week to put into your business, because you know, maybe you've got a part time job that's keeping a roof over your head and food on the table, and then you've got these kids to look after and raise.

    But then you're trying to follow the methods and the strategy of a young lady who potentially still is with her parents or doesn't have kids to look after who doesn't work full time can literally put 24 seven into their business because they don't have any other. You know, commitments or responsibilities like having a kid or multiple, then you're quickly going to learn that their strategies are amazing.

    And don't get me wrong. Every strategy works. If you want it to work, it will work, but you have to be realistic with the stage of life you're into. And that was a big lesson for me that I had to be aware that I had to simplify things to the 10th degree because. With three little kids to raise and predominantly over the course of this time that I've grown this business, I had one kid free day.

    Now I have two, which is a total of 12 hours. So it's not even really two, I had to learn strategies and ways to do things that were so seamless and easy. And I actually couldn't follow all the strategies that were given to me from, you know, majority of people that I saw because they weren't in the same situation.

    They either had a husband who was at home, who was the predominant caregiver for the kids, or they literally didn't have children or they've built their business whilst living with their parents, which is amazing. If you're listening and that's where you're at.

    Keep doing that. I will encourage my kids to stay at home for as long as possible and follow their own path before they move out and get the pressures of the world on the back. You've got to remember that it's not about saying, well, that works for you because of such and such.

    Not about that. But it's just like, Hmm, how will this work for me? Could this work for me? Maybe what could I take from that and implement and really have a crack at it? Like, I mean,  

    don't try something out for like a few days, few weeks, maybe even a month, give it like several months and really commit. And as you do that, you will find what works for you and what you can commit to for your life, for your commitments, for your responsibilities.

    And the more that you stay on track with that and you follow what is right for you, right for your business, instead of just looking at what everyone else is doing.

     Keep your blinkers on because the more that you second guess yourself, whether it be through your content, whether it be through your offers, whether it be through your pricing, whether you're just getting ideas and following like what's trending, I want you to remember that, the trend is you.

    The trend is whatever it is that you want to share that is deep to you. That is your core message. That is your core belief. That is your body of work. I don't want you to look at your business like this get rich quick scheme, this is your body of work. This is your legacy. This is what you're creating. You're creating something to remember. You're creating something that's going to live on beyond you.

    If you have children, you are creating this body of work that one day they're going to be able to read. They're going to be able to learn from you. If anything. Keep those little people in mind. When you are creating something, you want to create timeless things. You don't want to create trendy things, trendy content, trendy offers.

    Like what is timeless? What is real? What is authentic to you and your own inner authority?

     So I have to let you know about this incredible product that I've found. I've been using for the last couple of months. And let me tell you, if you're looking for something to boost your energy and get rid of that mental fogginess without having to drink 10 more coffees a day, then you've got to try this long story short in June, last year, I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease on top of hypothyroidism.

    So my energy. Was at an all time low. So I started to look for natural remedies to increase my mental performance. I've tried various products and honestly, they just haven't lived up to the hype. But with this, I felt a massive improvement. So the product is Magic Mind and I do have a code for you. It is moneymindset20 for 20 percent off your first order or 48 percent off your first subscription.

    The link is in the show notes, but let me tell you a little bit more about it. So Magic Mind is a mental performance. Shot that helps your focus, your productivity, gain mental clarity, and it also increases your energy. It is exactly the thing that I was searching for. Not only that, but it actually helps reduce your stress because it has mushroom new tropics and adaptogens.

    Plus over a hundred percent of your daily vitamin C and D needs per bottle. So all magic mind products have been created with the scientific advisory board of doctors and medical researchers. And it took over 10 years to perfect. I use this as an addition to my morning routine on the days when all three kids are at school and kinder.

    Because those are my work days and I really need to be operating at my peak performance. So if you feel like you're barely moving the needle because you just don't have it in you, you're flat, you're unmotivated, you're just mentally drained, then just give it a go. You've got nothing to lose. They back their products so much that they even have a hundred percent refund policy within a hundred days of purchasing.

    And their shipping. Is ridiculously quick. So you can use my code money mindset to zero for 20 percent off your first order or 48 percent off your first subscription box. The link is in the show notes and hopefully it has the exact same effects on you as it does on me.

     Now, brings me to the next thing. There's a big difference between being inspired by others versus being totally distracted by them. Your results come from you. They come from in here. They don't come from strategy hopping.

    Like I said, you know, you could try a million different strategies, but the fact is you've got to be committed to it. Give it 90 days, give it 90 days to try a strategy and see if it'll work for you and tailor it. Tweak it because then it becomes your own. It's not just copying what someone else is doing, which is great.

    Get inspiration. No worries, but try what works for you and stick to it. And just remember, like you've got to get really good at making decisions. And you've also got to get really good at making decisions that are based on your own vision, where you want to go, what is the thing that you're actually trying to create, not based on like what's popular, what's working, next best hack. The simple practice to be able to strengthen this inner authority, aka like your intuition, is Meditating.

    I swear to God, that is just like the key to calm. Every time that I start my day with meditating, I am so much more calm, connected, at peace, and I am just all around a better woman. And then you can journal too. Journal what comes up. Just start writing. You don't need prompts or anything like that.

    If you want to, of course, go for it, but meditate and then just start writing what comes up. Write what's on your mind that day. And then remember, be really intentional around setting time to actually do the tasks that move the needle, not the things that are distracted, right?

      📍 The less that you consume on social media, the news, the TV shows that you're watching, the less that you consume, the better your life will be. Because at the end of the day, what you consume is what you become. All right. I'm going to say that again. What you consume is what you become. So if you're just scrolling your life away, maybe you're just looking at all this stuff on your Instagram feed and it's making you second guess yourself and second guess your decisions.

    And maybe even the conversations that you're having are really not that enlightening. Maybe the conversations are a bit of downer. Maybe the media that you're consuming, like maybe you watch the news and it's just all doom and gloom. Maybe you watch reality shows that are nothing but drama and gossip and all of that. 

    It's going to completely shape your energy and also your output. It's going to affect your brain. You will become what you consume. So audit what is actually coming into your life. What are you feeding your mind with daily? Are you feeding your mind with positivity? Are you having encouraging conversations?

    Are you having powerful conversations that are making you feel confident and powerful and inspired and motivated to move? Or are you having conversations that are based in scarcity and lack and gossip and complete negativity, basically.

    The less you consume. And the more you create, the more aligned your business will be. So here's my take on creating, especially when it comes to creating content, obviously here, like creating this podcast is my main form of content.

    I love long form of content. I don't love short form doing reels and things like that. You'll notice on my Instagram feed at Money Mindset Hub, it's pretty much majority of my reels are snippets from this, because I will write a little outline for my podcast. Sometimes they're just totally, I suppose, channeled.

    But majority of them, I will write certain things, certain points that I just want to hit, and then I will just. Go for it. And whatever comes through, comes through, I might think of something or I might say something else. And sometimes when I watch it back, I realized like, Oh, I didn't even realize like, I didn't even remember that coming out of my mouth because obviously that was just my intuition speaking through me.

    In this podcast time. So the more that I allow myself space to create long form content, the more that this inner wisdom, I suppose, comes through and majority of the time, they're the ones, that really land with you.

    So I just want you to think when it comes to content, because this is definitely probably the number one that people overthink. And I've definitely been guilty of this too. Sometimes I still am and I have to get myself back in check. But at the end of the day, I want you to be proud of what you're creating.

    I don't want you to create trendy things. I want you to create timeless things. Every piece of information, every piece of content, whether it be a podcast episode, a YouTube video, you write a blog, you write a caption, whatever it is, it should be timeless. Okay. Obviously there's some nuances depending on what your business is, depending on whether or not, you know, you're coaching people for Instagram to grow their business.

    Then obviously there's going to be different ways that you've got to kind of follow by their rules depending on what it is that you're going for. Right.  

    But for your overall business strategy, it should be longevity. It should be, this is a legacy. This is going to live beyond me. What's my deeper message.

    What is the thing that you want people to remember? What is it you want to be known by and how can you help someone with that? And there are a million different ways that you can help someone in regardless of whatever niche you're in, whatever the thing is that you want to be known for, but just when you create something, are you proud of that?

    Did you give it your all without overthinking it and trying to be perfect? Is it the best?

     Thank you so much for tuning into today's episode. I really hope that you enjoyed it and be sure to subscribe so that you don't miss any of the incredible future episodes and guests that we have coming up for you. And if you haven't already subscribed to our email list, be sure to do so because we have some pretty epic things coming this year, as well as a mini magazine that will be sent to our subscribers every single month to help you with all things, money and mindset, personal development, and entrepreneurship to help support you on your journey.

    So until next time, the world needs more kindhearted women like you with deep pockets. So keep moving forward and never give up. I'll catch you in the next episode.


129. This Simple Brain Hack Will Make You More Money