129. This Simple Brain Hack Will Make You More Money


Ever wondered why some people effortlessly attract wealth, success, and opportunities while others feel stuck in a cycle of struggle? Is it pure luck or is there something deeper at play?

In this episode, we’re diving into the science behind your brain’s secret algorithm and how it shapes your reality. 🚀

We chat all things:

  • How your brain curates your reality just like a social media algorithm 

  • Why you keep seeing that car you’ve been thinking about everywhere (hint: it’s not a coincidence!) 

  • The sneaky ways your RAS might be reinforcing scarcity—and how to flip the switch to abundance 

  • Three powerful, science-backed ways to hack your RAS so it works for you, not against you

  • A fun mind trick that will PROVE this to you in real-time (Warning: you won’t unsee this after today!)

This is not just another "think positive" talk. This is neuroscience-backed proof that your thoughts are shaping your financial and business success every single day. And the best part? You can control the algorithm.

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Are you struggling with mental fog and low energy? Magic Mind is the ultimate mental performance shot that helps boost focus, productivity, and clarity without the caffeine crashes. Packed with adaptogens and nootropics, this game-changing formula supports stress reduction and sustained energy.

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Watch the full episode below:

  • Hello and welcome back to the Money Mindset Hub podcast. I'm your host Carla Townsend, a Money Mindset and Success Coach here to help you dissolve money blocks and unlock the secrets of your mind so that you can create a life and business that you never want to escape.  So today we're actually going to dive into a topic that is just a complete game changer for shifting your reality.

    If you've ever wondered why some people effortlessly attract wealth, success, opportunities, they always seem to land on their feet. They're just the lucky ones while others seem to be stuck in the struggle and a rut and they're trying really hard and nothing's really working and it's just not clicking.

    Then this episode is for you because we're going to be talking about how you can literally hack your brain's algorithm to trick it into seeing, believing, and receiving more of what you desire. 

    So quickly, before we dive in, if you haven't already, please subscribe to the podcast and leave a five star review if you would be so kind to do so, because it really helps us reach and impact more incredible powerhouse women like you all around the world. Okay, let's dive in.

    So the first thing I want to talk about is a part of your brain that is actually called the reticular activating system. Now you may or may not have heard of it before, but we're going to go into a lot more depth about it today. So, This little powerful filter in your brain determines what you actually notice and what gets ignored.

    So think of your activating system, is like the algorithm of your mind. So think about social media platforms like Instagram, for instance, they curate your feed based on what you engage with. Your brain does exactly the same thing. It curates your reality based on what you believe is important. What you want to focus on.

    This is exactly where I truly think that saying comes from. Where your attention goes, energy flows. So it truly is the way it is. So I just want to give you an example, because I know that every single one of us would have had this happen before, but have you ever decided that you wanted a new car? Then all of a sudden, you realize, Oh my God, everybody has that car in that color. That model is just everywhere.

    Or maybe you're pregnant. Or you're wanting to have a baby. And then all of a sudden you just see baby bumps everywhere. Newborn babies everywhere. That's because it's your RAS in action. It is focusing on what you are constantly thinking about, what you desire, what you think about, where your attention goes, that is what your RAS is going to filter into your life.

    So you'll see more of that. So the same is true for the opposite. If you are filling your mind and constantly thinking about things that you don't want, your RAS is going to be like. Okay, Roger that I will show you more of what you don't want because that is what you're focusing on. So truly it is not just a nice little saying that what you focus on is what you're going to notice more of.

    It's actually the way that your brain is designed and it's going to constantly scan your environment for more information that aligns with your focus and your beliefs. Because what you believe you will see. Remember your brain is constantly looking for evidence of what you tell it to be true and they are simply from repetitive thoughts that you've thought a million times that have now become beliefs and part of your belief system because you've identified them as truth.

    The fact is, the reason why that happened is because you've thought it so many times your RAS is just like, no worries, I'll keep showing you more of what you think. And then you'll just end up thinking, well, I say it all the time. So of course it's true when it could actually be. Complete and utter BS. So now let's actually go into how your RAS shapes your reality.

    The most simplest way to explain this is like it is the gatekeeper between your conscious and your subconscious mind. So it filters millions of bits of information every second. And it only lets into your subconscious, what it actually deems that is important or relevant, but here's the kicker.

    Your RAS is only going to prioritize what you repeatedly focus on. Just like I said, whether it's what you want or what you don't want, whatever you focus on, that's where your RAS is filtering in. So whether it's abundance or lack or whether it's success or struggle or possibilities or problems, your RAS is going to give you more of what you think.

    So if you've been unconsciously telling your brain that money's hard to make, I never have enough, clients are so hard to find. Well, then guess what your RAS is going to filter your reality to prove you right. The good news though, is that you can actually hack this system. It doesn't have to remain that way.

    And you can train your brain to see more of what you actually want, which is what we're going to do today. I am actually going to help you hack your brain and look, you may curse me afterwards when you start realizing and noticing more of this in your life. But it's just to give you a real life example.

    And I promise you within a week or two, you will start to notice. This exact thing. So this is where the real magic happens.

    So how to trick your brain into seeing more of what you actually want. Now that you understand how powerful your reticular activating system, RAS is, let's talk about how to, how to actually reprogram it. So it works for you and not against you. And here are three practical ways that you can do it, which I want you to take away from this episode and go and implement,

    first step, I want you to set really clear intentions and command your RAS what it is you want to see, because your brain needs really clear instructions. Do you want this? Or don't you want this? What do you want? So saying things that are quite vague, like I want more money. It's very vague. It's not explaining like, what do I want to experience?

    What do I want to see? Provide me proof. The other way that I sort of think of your RAS is kind of like when you're asking for a sign, you're commanding your brain to show you a sign. So let's say you've done it before and you've said, you know, show me a yellow butterfly. If I'm on the right track, you've just commanded your RAS to see yellow butterflies.

    So you're going to see more yellow butterflies because you have told it that that's what you want to see. So instead of saying, I want more money, Try this.

    I am attracting new high level clients who love to pay me. Opportunities for financial growth are everywhere. I am a magnet for abundance. Money flows to me effortlessly. The more that you repeat these, the more that you affirm what it is that you actually wanting to do, the more that your brain will scan the world.

    Your RAS is going to filter what you're seeing in the world to provide you proof that that is true. Now, remembering when it does come to affirmations, there needs to be some level of truth in there. Otherwise. your brain is just going to completely debunk it and say, Nope, not true. If you tell yourself I'm rich, I'm a millionaire, but you're not, your brain knows.

    Okay. And your brain is going to be like bullshit. That's why sometimes affirmations don't work the way they're intended to. You need to have some form of belief, like a bridging statement in your affirmations in order to trick your brain. So if you say I am becoming a millionaire, I know that one day I will be a millionaire.

    Not, I'm a millionaire. You know, I'm becoming someone who is rich. I am a rich person in the making. You know what I mean? Say something like that. Instead of I'm rich, I'm a millionaire. Because again, your brain is not going to sit around and be like, yeah, no worries. Tell yourself whatever you want.

    So repeat them often.

     so I have to let you know about this incredible product that I've found. I've been using for the last couple of months. And let me tell you, if you're looking for something to boost your energy and get rid of that mental fogginess without having to drink 10 more coffees a day, then you've got to try this long story short in June, last year, I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease on top of hypothyroidism.

    So my energy. Was at an all time low. So I started to look for natural remedies to increase my mental performance. I've tried various products and honestly, they just haven't lived up to the hype. But with this, I felt a massive improvement. So the product is Magic Mind and I do have a code for you. It is moneymindset20 for 20 percent off your first order or 48 percent off your first subscription.

    The link is in the show notes, but let me tell you a little bit more about it. So Magic Mind is a mental performance. Shot that helps your focus, your productivity, gain mental clarity, and it also increases your energy. It is exactly the thing that I was searching for. Not only that, but it actually helps reduce your stress because it has mushroom new tropics and adaptogens.

    Plus over a hundred percent of your daily vitamin C and D needs per bottle. So all magic mind products have been created with the scientific advisory board of doctors and medical researchers. And it took over 10 years to perfect. I use this as an addition to my morning routine on the days when all three kids are at school and kinder.

    Because those are my work days and I really need to be operating at my peak performance. So if you feel like you're barely moving the needle because you just don't have it in you, you're flat, you're unmotivated, you're just mentally drained, then just give it a go. You've got nothing to lose. They back their products so much that they even have a hundred percent refund policy within a hundred days of purchasing.

    And their shipping. Is ridiculously quick. So you can use my code money mindset to zero for 20 percent off your first order or 48 percent off your first subscription box. The link is in the show notes and hopefully it has the exact same effects on you as it does on me.

     Now, the second step is to visualize. Here is a really fun fact for you. Your brain doesn't actually know the difference between whether something is real in that very moment or whether you've just vividly imagined it. So when you consistently visualize, Your goals as already happening, or it's just happened.

    Your RAS again, starts to filter in those opportunities to match that. So right now you could do this right now. Once you close your eyes, if it's safe to do so close your eyes. And I want to picture yourself receiving money. Maybe it is money from your business. You've just signed a new client. You're checking your bank account and you just see these massive deposits coming in.

    Feel the emotions that come with that excitement, gratitude, confidence, belief, as if it's already happening, because the thing with visualization is it is so powerful to shift. Your state, but not just that, again, it is hacking your mind to provide you more opportunities to feel those emotions, because the thing is, we're always going to go for different goals.

    The goalposts will always move, but as long as you have those emotions attached to it, it's going to be an enjoyable journey. So the stronger, the emotion, the deeper it actually imprints into your RAS. Making it more likely that you are going to spot opportunities and take action on them in real life to ensure that you get to that destination.

    You get to that goal that it is you're visualizing. The stronger the emotion it's imprinting in your RAS. So don't forget that. And the third step is actually being able to shift your language. Your internal dialogue is so important. And. Every time you say something, it is shaping your reality. So every time words come out your mouth or every time you think a thought, it is shaping your reality.

    Remember, you're imprinting into your RAS what you want to believe, what you want to see, what you want to attract. So every time you say things like, I can't afford it, I'm not good with money. I don't know how that doesn't work for me. Your RAS is going to take that as a cue to just completely block out situations.

     It's just like saying, I can't. Do not say I can't, I have said this before on the podcast and I'm going to say it again. Can't is not a word that we have in our vocabulary because the minute you say can't you instantly block any possibility and your brain is just like block it, not happening, won't happen, never.

    Don't look for opportunities. If you want to be solution focused, tell yourself how do I do this? How can this work for me? Just shift your language. So say, how can I afford this? The answer is coming to me now. I'm always guided the right opportunities and your brain will start scanning for evidence to support these statements.

    And it will shift what you notice and exactly what shows up in your life.   This is the part of the episode where I am going to hack your RAS and you are going to start to notice exactly what I'm about to tell you. it's something that we do often in my life with my family. And it's real life proof that this works. So there is a game that we play, and this is completely unrelated to business, completely unrelated to money and you may curse me when you start to notice more of this every single day.

    But in the car, we've started playing this game. My kids heard it somewhere from one of their friends. And what they do is every time they notice a yellow car they say the word Spotto. Maybe you've heard it before. I did not realize now how many times we see yellow cars.

    Every single time we're in the car, someone is yelling out spotto. I even find myself in the car with no one else in it. And I'm playing spotto myself. This is how you're actually imprinting your brain. So from this point forward, every time you see a yellow car, I want you to say.

    Spotto. Again, you might curse me for this because you're going to start noticing yellow cars everywhere but every time you do it, say spotto. And then you will remember this episode and the fact that what you are focusing on is what you're going to see, because it's imprinting into your brain and providing you more of that and opportunities to see that so you can trick your brain into seeing anything that it is you want to see.

    But for the purpose of this, I want you to try and do that. So think yellow car and yell out Spotto. Every single time. And it will remind you of the power of this simple hack that doesn't take any extra effort whatsoever to wrap it up. This is what you're going to do. Now that you know how to actually trick your brain into seeing more of what you desire, I want you to put it into action.

    So one set a clear intention, write down a goal that it is. You want to focus on from this point forward, start visualizing it. And feeling that emotion that you will experience when it is already done and then shift your words and thoughts, especially when you catch yourself focusing on or saying things that you do not want to reframe them, whether it's just in your own head, within your thoughts, reframe it instantly, or whether you say something out loud, reframe it again, out loud instantly, and then just start to see exactly how much you notice.

    Or, do what I said, and from now on, think of, yellow cars, and every time you see it, say Spotto. This will remind you of the power of your brain and how you can hack it to see exactly what it is that you desire. Again, you might curse me for that because now you'll realize how many yellow cars are everywhere.

    It happens to us all the time.

    So until next time, remember, the kindhearted women like you with deep pockets. So keep moving forward.

     Thank you so much for tuning into today's episode. I really hope that you enjoyed it and be sure to subscribe so that you don't miss any of the incredible future episodes and guests that we have coming up for you. And if you haven't already subscribed to our email list, be sure to do so because we have some pretty epic things coming this year, as well as a mini magazine that will be sent to our subscribers every single month to help you with all things, money and mindset, personal development, and entrepreneurship to help support you on your journey.

    So until next time, the world needs more kindhearted women like you with deep pockets. So keep moving forward and never give up. I'll catch you in the next episode.


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