122. Cheat Codes to Rewire Your Brain for Success


In this episode, we discuss:

  • The success habits we should bring into 2025,

  • The importance of interrupting your reactive behaviours,

  • The only proven way to rewire your brain,

  • What your triggers are really trying to tell you,

  • Integrating your shadows,

  • The only 3 things you can really control,

  • The importance of letting go of shame and blame,

  • Your internal dialogue about your self worth and money,

  • Money mistakes don't dictate your financial destiny,

  • The mindset hacks that undoubtedly changed my life,

  • The art of becoming un-triggerable and much more.

I hope this episode encourages you to move forward with an optimistic and enthusiastic attitude, because you can always start fresh and move forward with a clean slate, it simply takes a decision and commitment. I know you have everything it takes to be incredibly successful, so let's go shall we?


Watch the full episode below:

  • Hello, and welcome back to the Money Mindset Hub podcast. I'm your host, Carla Townsend, and I'm a Money Mindset and Success Coach who helps purpose driven entrepreneurs to shatter their income ceilings and become rich and resilient. So if you haven't checked out last week's episode, it was all about the 10 broke behaviors that we're going to leave in 2024.

    Please go and do that after this episode, because it is a beautiful continuation, this episode from that. And I really think it's really good to actually reflect on every year and see. What was I impressed with this year? What am I grateful for? What did I do well, but then to also actually reflect and go, well, where do I need to like pick up my game a little bit?

    Where did I drop the ball? Where could I have done better? And so I think those 10 behaviors that I discussed in last week's solo episode. Was a really incredible one because these are things, some of them I was guilty of myself and I had to let them go just in general and others I have observed many times with many, many, many, many, many different women that I've worked with along this journey.

    Over the past five years. So I think that it is crucial to start there and know what are you leaving behind? And what are you actually allowing yourself to bring into 2025, which I felt like this was a perfect next solar episode to have, which is all about the success habits that you're bringing into 2025.

    Like I said, go and listen to episode one 20, the 10 broke behaviors to leave in 2024 after this episode, because it's a beautiful flow on anyway, let's just dive straight in.

     The first thing that I really want to talk to you about is the fact that you can actually rewire your own brain. Now, the only proven way that you are able to create new neural pathways within your brain, AKA in layman's terms, basically just means to change the way that you think, You act and you respond, right?

    So when something happens, whether it be someone says something, someone does something just a situation happens, your automatic default way of responding or thinking or behaving, they are neural pathways. So neurons that fire together, wire together, you've probably heard that before, but you can actually interrupt those neurons and create new neural pathways where you get to decide.

    I actually don't want to act like that anymore. I don't want to. Have that reaction. I don't even want to think those thoughts. I actually want to choose to think a new way. You know, you do this through repetition. This is what changes your brain. It definitely takes work. So the first thing for your success habits of 2025 is to successfully rewire your brain.

    Now, the way that you do this is by interrupting yourself. In the moments when you are not acting from your highest self, when you are talking to yourself in a way that is detrimental to you, when you are reacting to a certain stimuli or situation that in your environment in a way that doesn't serve you and is not aligned with your highest good.

    Let's talk about reactivity for a second, because reactivity is something that you are in control of the way that you act, the way that you react and the way that you don't act at all in your control. And you may have heard the same before, but you know, like certain people have a short fuse, for instance, like they just get really angry, really fast.

    That's because they're very triggerable. And I remember doing a session on this in my membership that I've beautiful session. And I spoke all about how to become untriggerable. Now, when we talk about triggers for a moment, I just want to give you this understanding because this is another beautiful thing to bring in.

    One, we're going to bring in the repetition. We're going to interrupt those patterns and we're going to choose new ways of thinking, acting, being, behaving When something happens so that we can continue to fire together new neurons to create new neural pathways. So the second thing is what we're going to do is be very aware of what is triggering you.

    What is triggering you? Who is triggering you? Why is it triggering you? Because the fact is what I have realized after doing this for years and doing this for myself for God, I've been working on myself. Like when I realized that I really needed to. Look at myself was probably a solid 12, 12 years ago, maybe more.

    So I've been deep down this rabbit hole of personal development for a very long time. And what I did not know then at the beginning, that I wish I knew, which I'm going to give to you now, if you don't know this, but your triggers are actually showing you what it is that you want. Or an area that you know you need to work on because it is actually highlighting a shadow of you.

    It is a part of your personality that you have repressed or suppressed because you either don't want to show that you don't believe it is desirable or lovable to be. I'll act or say, or do things in a certain way. So certain people will trigger you. Now I'll give you an example. I see it really triggered by women that were very body confident.

    You know, they had great bodies that were so body confident. Now they used to trigger me and I used to initially put it on them. Like, well, they shouldn't show that much skin or they shouldn't do this. I was very judgmental until I realized that no, an actual fact, me getting triggered by the appearance of another woman who actually looks after herself is actually highlighting the fact in me that I'm really insecure and I actually desire to be that confident.

    So it was a part of me that I had repressed and suppressed, and I was putting the blame on them, like they shouldn't do this, they shouldn't wear that, or, you know, who are they to be like that? Anyway, judgment, wherever you are judging someone, wherever you are pointing the finger, that is a very good sign that there is a part of you that is just desiring and yearning to actually open up because they want that.

    So just be really aware. So that's  another thing we're going to bring into 2025 is actually being really aware of your triggers and taking full responsibility, because like I said, you can only control how you act, how you react and how you don't act at all. And when something is triggering you, it is either highlighting a shadow that you are maybe unaware of, or you're just not ready to accept and allow to come out yet, or it's showing you something that you actually want.

    It's annoying you for a reason. So look at them.

     So a quick interruption just to let you know that this episode is sponsored by an incredible collaboration that I am doing with the incredible Nicole towers, who is a fantastic human design expert. And we have created a program called money moves the sequence to six figures. So this collaboration has been in the making for quite some time.

    And now it just. Feels like it is divinely aligned to bring it together and put it out into the world to help as many women as possible. So this is where we're going to blend the power of human design with wealth, energetics, and business mastery. So for those of you who are early stage entrepreneurs who are feeling stuck in the cycle of free downloads and cookie cutter strategies, this is your invitation.

    To transformation, because the exhaustion of just trying everything without seeing the results that you really desire stops here. What makes this program really unique is the fact that you're not just getting one mentor, but two, two projectors who understand the depth of what it takes to really build a sustainable aligned business.

    Nicole and I are both mothers. And we both bring our unique geniuses to this program. So Nicole's going to help guide you through your human design as your business compass, while I am going to help you unlock those deeper money blocks and step into your CEO mindset. So over 12 transformative weeks, we'll take you from feeling overwhelmed and scattered to becoming a confident and powered CEO who trusts herself and her business decisions.

    You're going to learn how to create magnetic offers, build automated systems that work while you rest. And develop a wealth mindset that attracts so much abundance. The beauty of having two projected coaches is the fact that we just naturally go really, really deep. We're both very passionate about creating lasting transformation, not just quick fixes and not just following someone else's method when we know that the key to success lies within you and your own unique way of doing things.

    So our combined expertise creates a powerful container for your growth, supporting you with both strategy and energetic alignment. So if you're feeling called to join us on this journey, then I invite you to get on the waitlist now for some pretty epic bonuses that you're not going to want to pass up.

    So simply visit the link in the show notes and we will let you know as soon as the doors open so that you can secure your spot. Now let's get back to the episode.


     Now, the next thing we're going to get rid of that we really ties into this is blaming, blaming, shaming, guilting behavior. Now everybody's human, right? We're all human listening to this.

    Also, majority of us are women with hormones and cycles and many of us are mothers and we're wearing many hats. I totally understand, but I really want us to get rid of this. Blaming other people for certain things. Yes, sometimes things are out of our hands, right? Sometimes things are out of our hands.

    Sometimes the results of something happening wasn't up to us and it's not exactly how we intended, but blaming, shaming, whinging, gossiping about someone for something that you cannot change and that is already in the past. It is irrelevant and it's not supporting you going forward. So we cannot blame and shame and guilt our way into our highest consciousness.

    It's just not going to happen. So. Whenever we're doing that, I just want you to remember to take full responsibility because we are not in victim land here. We are not playing in that. We are taking full responsibility of our lives of our 2025 and what we're here to do. So I have said this to every one of my clients from the very beginning, but.

    When it also comes to money, I do not care what mistakes you have made, what decisions were in the past, what happened that was maybe not your fault. Like, that's fine. It's in the past. Accept it. It's done. Let's move on. But just because you made a mistake. Bad decisions. Like maybe at this point, you actually say to yourself, still like, I'm just not that good with money.

    You know, I seem to get ahead. And then all of a sudden, I've just lost it all. I've spent it all. And I don't know where it's going and I just want to be better, but I just keep making silly mistakes and whatever it might be that this record that you're internally playing towards yourself about you and your relationship with money or you and your past behaviors with money.

    Yeah. I want it to be also stop here. So this is something we're not going to bring in either. We're going to let it go. And we're just going to accept ourselves for all our mistakes for the good, the bad, the ugly, right? We're all human again. So we make mistakes. Things don't always go to plan. But the fact of the matter is that just because maybe you made decisions in the past with money that weren't great, maybe in business that weren't great and you learnt the lesson, always look for the lesson. These are the things that helped me the most. These have 100 percent undoubtably changed my entire brain, the way that I think, the way that I operate, and they're what I wish I had have known, honestly, 12 years ago at the beginning, so I don't have to take so long to figure it out. Get rid of shame, the blame. It doesn't serve you.

    It doesn't serve anybody. Now I will link to a couple episodes too, because they were so good. I went back and listened to them because I knew there was things that I've spoken about on this podcast before that are just timeless. Like I want the podcast to be timeless this will be the podcast.

    Episode 122. And I have been doing this podcast now since September, 2021. So we've got quite a few episodes. If you go back and listen to number 10 and number 12, Oh, they were fire. Episode 10, episode 12. I will link them in the show notes, but they are pure gold. So go and listen to those because they're very much in line with this.

    And you're going to get so much wisdom from them. And it definitely inspired me and ignited me to get on here and give this to you. So let's wrap it up because this is what we're going to go and do in 2025 to build these habits of success. We're not going to blame and shame and guilt and worry about the past anymore.

    We're going to let it go. We're going to notice what's actually triggering us. And we're going to focus on that and work on that so that we become untriggerable. It is an art. It takes time. It takes practice. It takes repetition. We're going to interrupt the shitty thoughts, the shitty language that we speak to ourself, because the fact of the matter is you wouldn't speak to your best friend the way that you speak to yourself.

    But for some reason we don't. Seem to think that that's that important sometimes. So the words that you say out loud, the words that you actually speak to yourself, when you doubt yourself, when you question yourself, when you tell yourself all these things about, you know, you're not being worthy, you're not enough.

    You don't know enough. You've got to do this. You've got to do that. They are all limiting beliefs. Be aware of them and start to observe them because that will be your greatest gift. And from there, you need to instantly. Rebut them every time, interrupt those thoughts every time and replace it with what you want.

    That is also how you're going to build neural pathways, new neural pathways in your brain. It doesn't matter what it is. It doesn't matter whether it's a language, whether it is a trigger, whether it is. Something that's pissing you off every time you interrupt it and you swap it for the way that you actually want to think you actually want to behave.

    You actually want to react you all of it.  Every time you interrupt yourself, you interrupt those little macro behaviors and habits because thoughts are just a habit. Every time you interrupt those, you begin to fire new neurons together. Remembering, the neurons that fire together, wire together to be able to rewire your mind for success and reprogram yourself to become your highest consciousness, your most wealthiest self, the most abundant self, the most successful self.

    You need to be able to observe yourself and interrupt yourself. And it's uncomfortable. It is uncomfortable. But it a hundred percent works  because I know for a fact that these are the things that I had to do again and again and again and again and again. And sometimes I'd be like,  what is wrong with me?

    Why do I have so much to work on? But I was spiraling,

    I was very judgmental. I would blame other people. I wouldn't take full responsibility. I would say the worst things to myself. I would hold myself back. I always felt that my success was out of my hands and it was someone else that had to do it for me or create it for me, because I had all these stories and low self worth and I was very insecure and it was all these things. The person that I've become today is because of these habits,   these habits of just taking responsibility and looking very deep, very long, very hard on me and every single time that I would notice a reaction or a behavior or a thought Thought or a feeling or a trigger that I would interrupt it and sometimes too, I didn't always get it right. And neither will you, sometimes you might say things, do things, act in a way or react in a way that is not of your highest self, and it's not something that you're proud of. But again, we're human. We make mistakes. At least you've just got to acknowledge it, pick it up, move on. Sometimes I would even spit something out my mouth.

    Like I would hear me say something and then I instantly out loud. Nope. That's actually not what I mean. This is what I mean, or this is what I choose to believe. Nope. I shouldn't have said that this is actually what I want to say. And I would immediately repeat the thing that I actually wanted to think or do or be, I would instantly reframe it.

    So if I spat out words of judgment, of fear of doubt, of blame, of insecurity, whatever it was, I would instantly rebut it and reframe it and spit out what I actually wanted, because you are always listening to you. Whether it is in your mind or whether it is physical words that are actually coming out of your mouth, you are always listening to you.

    So it's a big thing when it comes to even gossiping, you know, when you are saying things out loud and you're talking about someone else, your brain doesn't know whether you're talking about someone else or whether you're talking about you. It just hears you constantly saying these things and it could be about someone else, but your brain is actually taking it on as you because it listens to you.

    Very interesting. Anyway, I think we'll wrap up there. Go and check out last week's episode, episode one 20, and also episode 10 and 12 of the podcast, because you will love them. And I know they're going to ignite a fire in you to just go out and claim 2025. But honestly, the world needs more kindhearted women like you with deep pockets, and you are the only one stopping you from claiming it all and having it all, everything you want to be, do and have.

    It is yours and it's just on the other side of your own resistance. And yes, there is a lot of resistance when you start doing this work and you start going really, really deep, but don't overcomplicate it. Don't overanalyze it. And you do not need every tool or trick or ritual under the sun in order for it to happen. The simplest way to rewire your brain is literally to interrupt it and think or say something different. What is in line with your higher self? You don't know what is in line with your higher self or who that is or what she stands for that you need to see in contemplation with yourself, think and listen to yourself.

    More than what you speak and the answers I promise you will come about, but you are here for so much this year is a gift every day that we wake up is an absolute gift, but here we are, it's the beginning of the year. You have a lot to do. So do I. So let's go and make this. The year when everything comes together and you can have my mantra.

    If you would like it's time to go big or to go home or my other one that I absolutely love, and I've been repeating this to myself for years and years and years, and again, repetition. This is a saying that my husband and I both say, but we always say it's all coming together. No matter the struggle, no matter the pain, no matter what's going right or what's going wrong.

    We've had our fair share of shit storms over the years, but we'd always say to each other, it's all coming together because we always held that optimism again, great habit for success, but always held the optimism that it was going to work out. And no matter what it was, even whether it was good, bad, ugly, I would just take the lesson and I would move on from that because it's all coming together.

    And so I truly now believe. It's all coming together and it will all come together exactly as I plan, if not better, because I've repeated that to myself so many times that it's just the way that I am now. I will hand that one off to you as well. It's all coming together. Okay. I'll see you in the next episode.

     Thank you so much for tuning into today's episode. I really hope that you enjoyed it and be sure to subscribe so that you don't miss any of the incredible future episodes and guests that we have coming up for you. And if you haven't already subscribed to our email list, be sure to do so because we have some pretty epic things coming this year, as well as a mini magazine that will be sent to our subscribers every single month to help you with all things, money and mindset, personal development, and entrepreneurship to help support you on your journey.

    So until next time, the world needs more kindhearted women like you with deep pockets. So keep moving forward and never give up. I'll catch you in the next episode.


123. Become the Queen of the screen with 7 figure CEO, Alisha Marfatia


121. Expanding Income Streams Beyond Your 9-5 with Career Coach Cynthia Orduna