121. Expanding Income Streams Beyond Your 9-5 with Career Coach Cynthia Orduna
Today we're joined by the incredible Cynthia Orduna, a successful career and business coach. Over the past six years, Cynthia has helped over 300 people succeed at various career levels and supported over 50 companies worldwide in hiring and retaining top talent.
In this episode, we explore Cynthia's journey into coaching, the importance of finding your purpose and flexibility in your career, and strategies to ask for a raise. We also discuss breaking free from limiting beliefs about money and embracing multiple income streams. Don't miss this insightful and empowering conversation!
03:41 Finding Your Purpose in Career Coaching
04:27 Blending Passions for a Unique Career
08:36 Navigating Career Transitions
10:22 Designing Your Ideal Job
15:06 The Money Conversation: Asking for a Raise
17:38 Taking Risks and Making Financial Plans
23:05 Energy Leaks and Creating Space for Abundance
28:13 Embracing Multiple Income Streams
34:22 Navigating Job Market Challenges
39:15 Redefining Success and Time Abundance
46:06 Empowering Money Mindset
Connect with Cynthia @cynthiaorduna.co
Grab Cynthia's signature course: 'Your Story is Your Superpower'
Watch the full episode below:
Hello, and welcome back to the money mindset hub podcast. I'm your host Carla Townsend, and I'm a money mindset and success coach for purpose driven entrepreneurs who are ready to become rich and resilient.
So today I have the incredible Cynthia Orduna. Who is a career and business coach with a background in recruitment, HR, diversity, equity, and inclusion. So over the past six years, Cynthia has coached over 300 people at all career levels and helped them succeed. Over 50 companies worldwide, including in cities like LA, San Francisco, New York, Berlin, Tokyo, Sydney, and London to hire and retain top talent.
So Cynthia's mission is to empower people to own their unique story and believe there are no boundaries on what they can achieve or who they can become. Her work has been featured in publications like business insider lattice, the Zoe rapport and balance. Careers. Welcome Cynthia.
Thank you, I'm so excited to be here.
I am so excited to have you here and just so everyone understands the connection here, we actually worked together a few years ago, so this has come full circle. And I love the fact, honestly, that since then, we've still stayed in touch for years and you still tell me all of your manifestation stories.
Like whenever I get a DM from you, I know it's another incredible story of what you've manifested, what you've achieved. And I honestly. Love it. And I adore you for doing that because I think it's so special when you do work with people that you build this friendship, this connection, and it's not just like, okay, we work together and then see you later.
I want to hear from my clients past and present. I want to hear from them because I know that the work that we did together and the work that I saw you go through and the evolution that you went through. It is. So profound and it's forever evolving. So thank you for that because I really appreciate it.
I know, I feel like it's been so special. Having had a relationship for these past few years. I think it was 2022 When we first started working together and here we are
I know.
years later and still connecting and I haven't you know, and i've been you know in a few of your programs, but also just connected whenever anything exciting happens or money comes in i'm still like I need to tell carla like what's going on Because she's been there from the beginning, you know, there's a huge evolution that has been there.
So that's why I think it comes to certain coaches, there are specific messages that I still want to send them, right? Because have been there through different parts of my life and seen me at different journeys. So anyone doesn't keep in touch with their coaches, I highly suggest
Oh, a hundred percent. I still do. I just think it's remarkable because you build this connection, like you find them and you know that Okay. They're the one we've got to work together. And then you're proven right because you end up having this beautiful connection. And it's something that just lives on forever.
And I love that. I think it's really special and a hundred percent. I agree. Please reach out to your previous coaches and make sure that you keep them up to date because I love it. And I know that they would love it too. And I'm sure you do from your clients as well. So
let's dive in. To you. And first of all, give us a little bit of more of an introduction to you into how you got into career coaching in the first place.
how did you find your purpose?
I would say it's definitely finding your purpose as a journey. And I always say that, you know, your purse, your purpose, your mission in terms of your career and the impact that you want to make is constantly evolving. So what your purpose is right now may not be what your purpose is in a year and five years and 10 years.
It's not set in stone for the rest of your life. It's just dependent on. The impact that you want to make right now. How do you want to change Your part of the world right your little mini part of the world. And so for me I started out in art And I was a little bit more of like a digital artist. And so I started coaching artists One thing that they all have in common is you constantly figure out how do I mold different ideas and concepts together, right?
Like an example, maybe photography pottery, with, with, with dance, you know, it could be just the most random things. And how do I create this specific artist brand of, of who I am and how I'm going to, brand myself and who I'm going to be, how I'm going to pitch myself, how do I sell myself, market myself. And I started to realize that people outside of a creative field also had tons of interests that they wanted to pursue, but no one ever taught them how to combine those things and create a creative career, right? A career that evolves with you, whether it's going into different industries, Molding multiple of your interests together and finding a job that is like so special and unique that you didn't even know was out there. And constantly having the freedom to move and hop while still keeping and increasing your income, right? What does that look like? And so that's where I really kind of started to find this little bridge of connection from coming from more of a creative world and bringing that into coaching and speaking to other people.
And I think they say, you know that you'd be good at coaching when a lot of people come to you for advice. And so, you know, I think it all kind of, for everyone, I think it all starts that way in some way. And I would, I would say that's a little bit about how I started to find my purpose on the impact that I wanted to make with people is really expanding their minds into what a career can look like for you.
And it doesn't just have to be in a nine to five, right? It can be freelancing. It can be in a business. It can be in so many different ways. It can be a combination of those things. It can be hopping back and forth from those things. Like I have tons of clients that go from. nine to five, nine to five to freelance. Both at the same time. Like there's, there's so many variations and often feel stuck and stagnant in choosing one thing and staying in that path. And so for me, it's really about helping people the skills and know how to move around when they feel like it's time for them to evolve.
love that. And I also vividly remember you talking about the multi passionate entrepreneur
and they're your person because you're right in the sense that you can blend the things that you love to do together. But I think traditionally. That you're taught that you've got to do this certain way. You've got to find your one thing, you know, go to school, get good grades, go to uni, get a degree.
That's your thing. There's never, I don't think personally, even here in Australia, I don't think there's really this encouragement to do multiple things or blend it together or to find what you love, what you're passionate about, and then. Create your own opportunities. And like you said to, sometimes they have it as a side hustle.
Sometimes it's there, they're working somewhere else and then they have this or they blend the two, like there's so many different options that you can do when it comes to your career and you can literally make it up like we have done. We have literally just gone, this is what I'm going to be. I'm going to make this up.
And I love that you mentioned too, that you know, that you're going to be a good coach when everyone comes to you for advice. Definitely. Definitely resonate with you there. You're probably the same in the sense that, you know, someone for like 10 minutes and you know, the whole life story and you're like, why does everybody keep doing this?
I must have like, tell me your whole life story written on my forehead. No, but I love that you did that. So for many of the listeners, they are either working part time full time, they've got their business, maybe it's a side hustle right now, but they're wanting to go full time in their business. Maybe, maybe not.
There's no right or wrong answer. Right. And I think it really just depends on where you're at in life too. So for instance, I know that there's a lot of mothers that listen who are working part time, but obviously they have children, they have a mortgage, they have responsibilities. So it's not as easy to just quit and go all in, like the dream that's kind of advertised a lot.
And I totally get it. It definitely can be done, but I do think that having financial backing to then be able to go all in your business. Know exactly what the numbers should look like so that you can feel calm when you're ready to go in is so important because you and I both know when there's this needy energy around needing the money, needing the sales, needing the cash to flow in, it builds this restriction within your body.
And that definitely affects the energy that you're putting out. And how much abundance you're actually going to receive. So from your point of view, what's your advice to someone who is say working part time? They are wanting to go all in, but at the moment they're just kind of stuck and they need to know what to do about being able to enhance the opportunities that they have at their current job.
Like how do they ask for a raise? Many won't, many women in particular will not ask for a raise. Their business is their side hustle. Like that's their passion. That's their baby that they're growing, but they also. Want to be able to leverage the opportunities that they've got at their current career job in order to build that, let's say, an FU fund so they can go all in.
Gotcha. I love, I mean, I do love a part time job. More than a full time job, to be honest with you. But I think When it comes to really building a financial backing, one, you have to think about what is your dream part time job, right? It doesn't have to be your dream job if you're not working full time, but what does that dream part time job look like to you? And maybe that's not the part time job that you're in, right? Maybe that does mean that you have to go into a different position with another company in order to get into A better place, both career wise and financially. So it's about really understanding from a lifestyle. What is it that you need from this job? Right? So if you are a mom, if you are someone that has other responsibilities is it flexibility that you need? And then when you're thinking about that flexibility, what kind of flexibility is it? So is it the ability to work remote? Is it the ability to be hybrid? Is it the ability to work the hours that you want to work,
the ability to travel and work, what are they what are the benefits in those ways? And then what are the additional benefits that this job is giving you? This is before we even get into the financials. What are the things that you need in your lifestyle that this job must offer? Right and this is again before we even start thinking about what the job does and how much the job offers So there are a lot of different benefits
I know that full time positions give you part time positions. I'm not familiar with but typically with clients it would just depend on us putting together what that life looks ,like and then you know Kind of setting out. Okay, let's go look up and find them because sometimes you don't even know that they're you don't even know that they're there.
You don't know what they're called, but they are out there And so the second part that I have people do is once you have the life and the benefits that you want from this role, you want to understand what it is that you want to do in this position. So you know, another one benefit, for example, could be maybe the flexibility of time.
So are you someone that can be on calls or do you need someone that, or do you need something where You can work on things, but it's very async, for example, writing is something that you can do without having to talk to anyone. Versus is it a customer oriented type position? Do you like to talk to people?
Do you want to be in the energy of other people? How much can you handle when it comes to those types of things? So you want to understand also what the job itself, what kind of job Do you want what's going to be exciting for you? What's not going to be too much to take up your time and energy, but enough that it's going to be, nice to do,
when you go in.
No, definitely not. It doesn't matter what they're paying, but if you hate it, like it's sucking the life force energy out of you, isn't it?
exactly. So essentially what I have people do is create their own job description. You created the job and then you create the requirements and the benefits of what it is. And we set out and we look for. Who matches this job description? Instead of saying do I fit into these constant jobs? I'm looking at on LinkedIn Right.
do these fit my requirements and is this going to be suitable for my lifestyle?
so I kind of switch around the way that we're thinking about this process because constantly putting the job and the career First, and I always say, like, build a career around your life. Don't build your life around your career,
I love that. Yeah.
life comes first. And so we think about, okay, what is the life you want? What do you want to manifest? What do you want to do? Okay. If it supports your business, you know, those are the things that you're looking for when you're looking into this new position. And so it's really about you being very specific on. Your qualifications for what you want. going to search for it, instead of just allowing things to come and accepting them. See,
less than what you really want. So, okay. Since I, let's say we've got the job now, we've designed our life. We've found a job that then matches it. And then we're like, okay, the money's not that great. However, you get all the benefits. What would you say to someone who's at that point where they've got the job, they really enjoy it.
It's really good. It suits their life, but they just need to earn a bit more. So especially for all the women out there that feel really uncomfortable about this, about the money conversation, how would you go about getting a raise?
this is a tough one
I do help people put together proposals for a raise, I constantly say, if you want more money, If you want a 5x, 10x your current salary, better off going to get a new position.
Yeah. Interesting.
Because they are going to pay you more as a new person coming in. You're able to go from, for example, 75, 000 a year to 150, 000 a year switching companies. you're not. able to get that same in a raise. No company's going to go from 75 to 150 in that level. So if you want to leap in your financial status, it's always most likely going to happen in a job jump.
It's not that you can't ask for a raise. I think you absolutely can. It's dependent on You know, do you have new responsibilities that you're going into? Is there a new position popping up that's higher up that you would like to transition into? You know being clear with your boss about what your career goals are and what you're looking to make and move up into and You can have this proposal laid out. It's what I always say, but the expectation is they can always still come back and say no. And so what often happens with people is they get stuck and they say, okay, well, I'm not making any more money. I'm in this position. Right? So now you're in this just negative head space. in reality you have to be ready to say if they do not accept my terms, am I going to leave?
Am I going to accept the fact that they did not give me what I wanted and I'm going to stay.
Yeah. And then I suppose the decision lies with you, doesn't it? So do you stay or do you go? And again, it depends on your situation and your responsibilities. So do you agree? This is, this was always my train of thought, but I would never leave a job without having another job lined up. Do you agree with that?
Or are you more like fly by the seat of your pants?
So, I would say in terms of my risk tolerance and my lifestyle, I am a person that would absolutely jump before there's a net to catch me.
Yeah. Right. Okay. All right.
however, that's not to say that I recommend that for every client. That's
something that works for every single person. It's, it really is dependent on your situation. And, I think sometimes you're more scared of the unknown And your financial situation can sometimes, this is not for everyone, but sometimes it's better than you think it is.
Yes, for sure. What just popped into my mind was, I honestly think this comes back to your money archetype because it will highlight for you exactly what is important and your risk tolerance and the way that you make decisions. So it's really interesting because me, accumulator, no way am I jumping without a net.
And I need to know exactly how many dollars and cents are there ready to go. that's what I did when I decided, okay, we're going to go full time in this, but for you, it's very different. Remind me, Cyn, what was your top archetype?
Was it Maverick?
think it was a maverick because the way, because the way that you're speaking, like, no, I'm going to just jump out of the net to catch me. I'm like, Maverick because they typically do, they're not worried about a risk. So that, yeah, that makes total sense when you were saying that. So again, I suppose it just depends.
So if anyone hasn't done that quiz, you can do that quiz and you'll find out. And that'll probably really help you when it comes to be able to make decisions, especially the big decisions in your life and what you need to feel supported. And maybe what you don't need.
Yes. Yes. Well, I did have an example,
I have a client who, she's a mom and she was working full time, she's not very happy in this job and it, Was getting to a point where it was affecting her emotional health so much And they're having all these layoffs people are going off and she's like at this point you know praying for a layoff so that she can get the benefits of the severance checks the Unemployment benefits right and have some money coming in in the meantime but it really got to a point where we had an honest conversation about it looks like to jump ship without necessarily having that next opportunity available for her at first there was a lot of resistance to this in terms of the money she Eventually sat with it a little bit more and she spoke to her husband about it and She set a date for I believe it was either end of January end of february that if something didn't come up This is still her end date, right?
Of just leaving this emotional turmoil behind and taking away that negative energy. And I think is where I give the example of sometimes people's financial situations are better than they think. And there are things that can be easily worked out, especially if you have a spouse, a partner, someone that can support you, someone that can work with you to figure things out. Yeah. Utilize that right to your benefit like they're there to support you. They love you they want you to be happy. They want you to move forward in your career. And so Although this is not the situation for everyone. Sometimes that initial resistance is really the the risk averse the fear the limiting beliefs of Not wanting to jump because I'm just so scared without having this practical, logical thing lined up for me,
that's just what it is. It's the fear. So, it just depends. But regardless, I will make money plans with every client. Just to make sure that they feel comfortable and safe and ready to move forward
Yeah. And at the end of the day, you want to be able to feel that safety, that neutrality to be able to make moves rather than making an emotional decision that you potentially have regrets for. Cause we don't, we don't need that. No one needs regrets in life, but yeah, you're right in the sense that he's different depending on the client situation, the backing, the support that they might actually have that maybe they don't even realize that they have.
So, yeah, that's really interesting, but it's really cool to hear as well. And I think that it'd be really good for anyone who is listening, who is also a mother that's considering jumping ship, but not really sure, maybe go and do your numbers, maybe go and have a look, maybe go and have a chat to your significant other, if that's an option, you know, to see what is, what can we do about this?
Because. I think too, when you have such emotional turmoil, like you said that your client had, that is going to affect every part of her life. That is going to affect her relationship with her husband. It's going to affect their relationship with their children. It's going to affect everything because if you are full of this negative energy, this stress.
Then you can't give from an overflowing cup, right? Because your cup's not even full. Like you're barely, you're barely surviving here. You're kind of drowning. So how are you supposed to give everyone else the best of you? So I like that you said that. I think it's a really good lesson, regardless of the situation that you're in.
A really good lesson just for everyone to sit with and go, where am I at right now? Like, am I actually able to give from an overflowing cup or am I really depleted? And I need to actually make some decisions. I always called them energy leaks. And I know we spoke about this many years ago, and it's definitely in rich and resilient that you've done.
If there's anything that is leaking your energy, it's going to impact other parts of your life too. So whether it is your job, and that's the thing that's energy leaking for you it's going to have this and flow on effect and domino into other parts of your life that you're not consciously aware of until you cut that energy leak and you notice other parts start to get better.
And it's going to limit your ability to make money.
What I always say as well is, you have these, Leaks as you call them, right? You have this negative energy that that's surrounding you. Once you get rid of that, you're opening up space for opportunities to come into you.
You're opening up space for abundance to come, for money to flow in, for different things to fill your life. But you don't have that space when you're constantly bombarded with Not only, like, your mental, your physical, your spiritual health that's being affected by this, but also all of the time that it's taking up for you.
Because even if this is a part time job, doesn't matter whether it's part time or full time, if it's causing you this much turmoil, then it's taking up way more time than it needs to in your life. Right? And so sometimes it is necessary to cut that off. In order for more opportunities to come, right?
Maybe you leave the job, you get another job a week later just like that, but it only happened because you had that space, right? Because doing it on top of the job, is also very emotionally draining and exhausting. adding another, the job search and all of that work on top of what you're already doing, on top of your responsibilities of life, right?
It's just adding another role to you. So, yeah, I feel like I normally don't give such Like risk advice on podcasts or even
Hey, that's just the energy we're going with at the moment.
right now. I normally don't I stay away from, from giving people, you know, too much, like let's jump
unless it's really something that I see in each client, but yeah, I just think it's important to, to speak to the other side of things, right.
Cause oftentimes we're always going to go practical. We're always going to hear logical advice. We're always going to hear about how to, you know, save up a certain amount of money, invest a certain amount of money, wait until you have X, Y, Z before you jump into your business. And wish life was a little bit more black and white that way, but it's really not. And so sometimes you have to go with the woo and in order to manifest something much better.
hundred percent. You do. We love the woo. We love the woo. We love the woo
blended with like a little bit of logical analytical, do the numbers. Okay, cool. I feel safe and then let's jump. Yeah. I love that.
So a quick interruption just to let you know that this episode is sponsored by an incredible collaboration that I am doing with the incredible Nicole towers, who is a fantastic human design expert. And we have created a program called money moves the sequence to six figures. So this collaboration has been in the making for quite some time, and now it just.
Feels like it is divinely aligned to bring it together and put it out into the world to help as many women as possible. So this is where we're going to blend the power of human design with wealth, energetics, and business mastery. So for those of you who are early stage entrepreneurs who are feeling stuck in the cycle of free downloads and cookie cutter strategies, this is your invitation to transformation because the exhaustion of just trying everything without seeing the results that you really desire.
Stops here. What makes this program really unique is the fact that you're not just getting one mentor, but two, two projectors who understand the depth of what it takes to really build a sustainable aligned business. Nicole and I are both mothers and we both bring a unique geniuses to this program. So Nicole's going to help guide you through your human design as your business compass.
While I am going to help you unlock those deeper money blocks and step into your CEO mindset. So over 12 transformative weeks, we'll take you from feeling overwhelmed and scattered to becoming a confident empowered CEO who trusts herself and her business decisions. You're going to learn how to create magnetic offers, build automated systems that work while you rest and develop a wealth mindset that attracts so much abundance.
The beauty of having two projector coaches is the fact that we just naturally go really, really deep. We're both very passionate about creating lasting transformation. Not just quick fixes and not just following someone else's method. When we know that the key to success lies within you and your own unique way of doing things.
So our combined expertise creates a powerful container for your growth, supporting you with both strategy and energetic alignment. So if you're feeling called to join us on this journey, then I invite you to get on the wait list now for some pretty epic bonuses that you're not going to want to pass up.
So simply visit the link in the show notes and we will let you know as soon as the doors open so that you can secure your spot. Now. Let's get back to the episode.
Kind of switching gears a little bit then, but what's a belief that you once held about money or success you choose that you've now debunked?
This one, this is my favorite one, actually, and it's one that you helped me go through in the beginning that now it's like so full of abundance. So my limiting belief was wanting money. come in a certain way. So I remember, three years ago feeling like I was not successful in my business. I wanted more money to come in from my business and
it was like so full focused that I was not accepting to other ways of money coming to me and being grateful for it. And so what we worked on and also just like what I have continued to work on, is accepting any form or way that money wants to come into my life. I do not dictate where the money comes from. I appreciate money coming from anywhere. Whether it's on the floor, whether it's on, you know, a random check that comes to me, whether it's from a program, a contract, a client, personal gifts, whatever it may be, it does not matter. I appreciate it. And I have, I want to say like four to five streams of income, you know, like the way that money comes into me now, like it's so different, but I was just like, honed in on the fact that it had to come in through my business and I remember working on this with you it was so limiting To like so like literally limiting money coming to me Because I wanted it to come from one place.
And so I often see that pop up with a lot of other people as well Right, maybe you're thinking money has to come from my full time job My part time job where else can money come from? And does money have to come from working all the time?
money have to come from overworking?
Right? Can money just come to you easily, effortlessly, consistently? And what does that look like? What are all the different ways that money can come to you? I don't know if we did this, but I definitely did this on my own. Was just like writing down all the different ways that I could receive money.
Yes. No, we definitely did. That was one of the first things I think, because. I do recall you being like, no, I need to make this amount of money and it needs to come through my business. And it's like, but what about this? Or what about this? And I remember you starting to open up to release the need to control.
Right, because it's just that little controller in us that comes up when that happens. It must come through this way and it must come through this way. And yes, I do think that you can be intentional because let's say, for instance, like you back then you desired to have more money coming through your business, but it was such a fixation.
That it blocked off other streams. However, when you are also trying to manifest, like there's nothing wrong with having an intention about wanting to earn a certain amount of money in your business. But then we've actually got to go back and look at, well, what are you not doing though? The universe can only meet you halfway.
So if your intention is to earn X amount in your business, then. What are you in control of, and what are you not in control of that you have to surrender to? And could there be more opportunities that you can't currently see? And I think that's a beautiful gift when it comes with surrendering, which is exactly what you experienced.
When you surrender, All of a sudden you start to notice, Oh, this came through. I remember when you got the check check came through all these different manifestation stories of money started to pop up and they've continued to three years on, and it just shows this beautiful connection with being able to release and like, thank that little in the controller and you, because she was just trying to protect you and she was just trying to keep you on this logical analytical path of like, this is what we're going to do.
We're going to tick this box and we're going to do this. And this is how it's all going to play out. But the truth is that we don't know. What's going to truly happen. We can only do our part and then the rest is not up to us. Like, can you control how many clients find you? How many clients. Build that know, like, and trust with you, how many clients actually decide to work with you?
We can't, and it's impossible to think that we could, because also we don't want to have that persuading energy of you need to work with me, it's that typical car sales energy, right? Which is a great analogy.
We don't want that. So that's when we need to release that little controller and thank her because she's got us to this point. But if we want to open up the floodgates for the abundance in all different areas of life and business and opportunities that you, you don't even know are on their way to you, then we need to just like, let her take a little bit of a backseat and also look at where am I not actually allowing myself to receive any other opportunities.
So I'm glad that that was one that. You've continued to overcome because it doesn't stop, right. As you know, you're just going to continue to work on it. But I think that's really cool that you did that. And that's such a beautiful reminder to everyone too, because I was definitely a control freak back in the day.
Still kind of am with certain parts. I don't think that's, I don't think it's bad, right? Like there's positives and negatives for all of it, but I think that's really interesting that you've continued to see that as like, okay, I debunked that. And it was for the better.
Yes. Yeah. Well, I mean, now it's money comes from so many different places. I'm like,
like just blessed, you know, at this point I'm like, Oh, I was like, Oh, money here and money, but money can come from anywhere. And so it really does open up that energy field and that flow for people. And what I've found, like, it relates so directly to working full time because I've seen so many. Layoffs happening. So many people, especially right now, actually for this is one of the hardest job markets that it has been, harder than covid
Yeah. Right.
to land a job. People have been going on for a year or more and it's become an average thing to struggle regardless of how great your qualifications are. There's so many people applying to these jobs. It's absolutely wild to see. And there's a lot of things that I've had to work with my nine to five clients on how do we differentiate yourself in a market that's, that's so different now and that's fluctuating this way. But what I see is, you know, people are, you know, they're struggling in their next role there's this mindset of. Money is running out, or the unemployment is running out, and I can't get this job. So then it's like, okay, well how else can we make money? But nobody really stops to think about that. Right. It's like money always comes from this full time job. Money comes, that's what you're told. That's what you were taught. what you learned. And so we have to backtrack and say like, well, where else can money come from and how can get it and how can it support you? And how can we, I even, you know, have a lot of people. That I work with now, it's basically how to make money on the job search is what I do, where it's, we get freelance part time contract positions in the meantime that actually work much faster, can often pay much higher and can support you and your bills in the meantime, you can take a few jobs at once, like, it's so much more flexible, easy you know, to do.
And so there's a strategy for that as well that I started to teach, but I see that very often in clients, especially that have only ever worked in corporate, only think of money being given from a job.
Yeah. It's such a conditioning process, isn't it? And there are so many different ways. God, I remember during even that COVID time, my husband didn't work for five and a half months and we just had our third baby. And he's not the sort of person just like sit around and do nothing. He works in construction.
He's like, what am I going to do with my time? Like, thank God we still had. Lots of savings and things like that. We weren't stressed and worried, but at the same time, he's like, I'm just going to get some wood heaters and I'll do them up and I'll flip them. It was in the heart of winter. They went off.
I could not believe how much they were. He was flipping them. Like this guy could sell ice to Eskimos. That's what his mother always said. Like literally. So. When you're resourceful enough, there's always a way it's like that cliche saying when there's a will, there's a way. And a hundred percent, there is always a way to make money.
I mean, even the simple act of decluttering your house and finding all these lost treasures that you no longer need that someone else might value, sell it. There's some money that could be the very difference to alleviate some stress like that week or whatever it might be. But there are, there are so many different ways.
You just got to think about outside the box. And I think to be around people who will support you to think outside the box, because it is so hard when you come from say a corporate job in particular. And I know that that's the way I was conditioned. Two, it was just like, Oh, well, I guess I'll just find another job.
And then it got to the point it was like, no, because I think too, when you've been made redundant before, and many people listening might've been made redundant before both my husband and I have both been made redundant. I was like eight weeks pregnant with my first child. So I think once you go through something like that.
That is also such a key lesson in itself, as much as it's hard at the time, but it's a key lesson in itself to go, you've got to look out for you. And. Unfortunately, in a lot of industries, you are just a number and you're replaceable. And I think that's what actually drives a lot of entrepreneurs to start their businesses and to start their own things.
Or even if you are working to start a side hustle, to bring in more money because you truly are in control of how much you can earn and just get around those people, get around those people and start looking, what are the people doing? How are they making money? Would that interest me? Would that be exciting to me?
Yeah, there's so many different ways. So I love that you said that because yeah, it does seem to be pretty tough for a lot of people at the moment. And I think that we've got to start thinking outside the box a little bit. So get out of the box that we've taught to stay in and start thinking about it different.
How do you measure success in your career and life?
I would say success is probably my time and moments of joy. So, you know, I think that there is what's the term for it? I forgot. Are you time, not time abundant, but time Do you know what I'm going
is it kind of along the lines of. You get to choose how you spend your time.
it is, it is about, it's basically how much time you have,
And so you don't want to be time constrained, essentially, right? You don't want to have created a life where you're constantly back to back in and errands and things to do, right? That you don't have time to to enjoy, to take care of yourself. And so. For me, I measure success in how much time I've been able to cultivate for just enjoying life. To be able to up whatever time I want to wake up during the day and just ask myself, what do I want to do today?
be able to go, you know, like today I was like, I just went to go get a back facial.
A back facial.
a back facial.
is a back facial?
For your congest, you know, 'cause you get like little pimples on your
it's just a cleanse, it's a facial for your back.
Okay. Amazing. All right. I've never heard of that, but that's amazing.
get one because it was so nice, so relaxing. Basically everything they put on your face, they put on your back.
Okay. Amazing. All right.
back, back, the steamer, everything. And I think every part of your body really deserves attention, love and care. So for me, anytime I can try a spa thing, I'm here for it. But yeah, anyways, doing things like that, going to, you know private training sessions at the gym, going to just like ordering food here, like just the, the abundance of being able to where I want Experience what people would say are, you know, like luxurious spa type things. Even being able to say like I'm hungry, I don't want to go out, let's order in. Right, the door dash
the fees, all that stuff. That is having a rich and successful life. You know,
only think about times when You couldn't purchase anything cause you have like 4 in your account.
you're like, I have to eat what's in my place or I have to make something or I have to figure it out until the next paycheck comes in.
Whatever it may be, right? I've definitely felt like I've had, you know, I've had different experiences where I'm like, how am I going to pay the rent this month? How am I going to do this? And where I am now is so different. It's like, I spend my days the way I want to spend my days. enjoy and I really think that that's What I've have felt like is my next purpose or my like outside of just career
what is this purpose of life?
It's just to and relax
experience, you know which I think we don't often get to do
and we often to do
Yeah. Yeah. I agree. I think the gift of time, again, it's a resource that we don't get back. So I think it's beautiful to see how am I spending my time and my in control of how I spend my time. So yeah. We're going to wrap up, but I'm just going to quickly ask you like two more questions. What's a book that has deeply impacted your life?
a book, I don't want to sound basic,
Don't worry. You don't know what questions I'm going to ask. I'm really just hitting you on the spot here.
I don't want to sound basic with, no, with my book answer,
I don't want to sound basic with my book answer but Atomic Habits
Clear. one of the best books that I have read truly Like, I think we've all read tons of bestsellers and personal development books, and sometimes they don't really, live up to the hype.
Think this one definitely does in really figuring out those incremental steps that you're taking in your life, in every aspect of your life and getting that motivation for you. And also the biggest thing for me from that book was You're going to do things out of convenience. You're naturally going to do things that are easy for you.
That's totally turned around the way that I try to adopt new habits. Where it's like, I'm not going to be motivated to go to the gym by myself. Gotta get a personal trainer for like, the accountability.
the enjoyment, right, of going there and having fun. Because I have a, you know, a relationship with my personal trainer, like building that friendliness together doing things that are close by and, not making it further away, just not making it difficult for you to do. Anytime you can have some sort of convenience that really has switched the way that I've tried to adopt those new habits.
I love that. And okay. I don't remember the exact name of it, but there is a part of your brain that continues to grow as you push yourself outside of your comfort zone and you do difficult things. So our brain is always adapting and changing, but when we continue to do things habitually that aren't challenging us, and that are easy, like you say, it just sits dormant.
I'm going to have to remember exactly what it is and I'll put it in the show notes, but I remember what it is, but there is another part of your brain that yeah, it does grow when you do things that you have resistance for originally. And that actually, you know, Again, I suppose helps with that growth mindset, but it also makes the difficult things seem easy because you're continually to push yourself.
So you should always, what the scientists have said is you should always try and find things that are challenging you. And if you're sitting in a state of life, or there's certain things that you don't really feel challenged, look for a challenge because it's going to continually enhance It's your brain.
And yeah, and it's really interesting. I'm
those are you're always building new neural pathways.
yes, but there is a particular part of your brain that grows, not just the neural pathways, but yeah, the neural pathways at a hundred percent. That's with everything. But it's really quite interesting anyway, the moral of the story, considering I can't remember the exact part of your brain, but the moral of the story is to find things that challenge you because that is how you grow and adapt.
I love that. And it is a, such a fantastic book. If you have not got it atomic habits, it is amazing. If you could give one piece of advice about money to your younger self, what would it be?
Mm. Oh, and this is what I actually, to my clients now actually, but it's something that I have deeply ingrained in myself too, in my money journey. and that's that I am the moneymaker.
So the way that I explain that is really changing your identity from. Believing that the outside dictates your situation, right? So the world can be going completely crazy and saying like, know, it's difficult to get jobs. It's difficult to get clients. It's difficult to make sales. And a lot of people come in allowing the thought of, Oh, because this is happening. That's why. I can't make money. That's why I can't get a raise. That's why I can't get a job. That's why they won't interview me. Right? And so it's constantly putting the blame on the external the truth is, it does not matter, your external does not dictate your reality.
Right? You are the moneymaker. And instead, when you change your identity into saying, I dictate. Whether I make money, I dictate when I make money. Now you're empowering yourself to say, I can make money come from anywhere.
have more of it. I can have more consistent flow of it coming in. If that place closes down, I can always go make more. I had, there's so many different pathways for me to make money. I am the moneymaker. And think that's something that. our younger self needs to know,
Oh, a hundred percent.
when your parents ruled and they didn't have a lot of money and they put you through all this childhood trauma, financial trauma, other trauma, life traumas. you need to know that you are in control of the money.
You are the moneymaker, right? And really, I think healing those childhood are there from. Making you believe otherwise because of, you know, the ways that you may have been raised by people who didn't know, right? Like
were not aware of all these types of things, but just understanding that you sit in the power seat.
You're in the driver's seat
Everyone listening right now, repeat that to yourself. I am the moneymaker. I love it. And also on that note, thank you so much for joining me and everyone who wants to connect with the beautiful Cynthia and get support on finding their dream career. All of her links are going to be in the show notes and her course.
Your story is your superpower is also there as well. Thank you so much for coming on, reconnecting and sharing some incredible wisdom with us. I've loved it.
Thank you for having me. You know, I love talking to you. Anytime you want me to and join, I'm here.
Thank you so much for tuning into today's episode. I really hope that you enjoyed it and be sure to subscribe so that you don't miss any of the incredible future episodes and guests that we have coming up for you. And if you haven't already subscribed to our email list, be sure to do so because we have some pretty epic things coming this year, as well as a mini magazine that will be sent to our subscribers every single month to help you with all things, money and mindset, personal development, and entrepreneurship to help support you on your journey.
So until next time, the world needs more kindhearted women like you with deep pockets. So keep moving forward and never give up. I'll catch you in the next episode.