What is wealth consciousness?
Also known as your unique philosophy about money, that will either repel or attract money.
Very similar to the Law of Attraction - like attracts like theory.
Your wealth consciousness directly correlates to your financial reality, because it is revolved around the notion that people who want riches and hold a positive mindset and attitude towards money (and those who possess it) will reap the rewards in their money manifesting journey.
On the flip side, those who say they want lots of money and work really hard to get it, but hold a negative attitude towards it, how they manage it and those who possess it, are subconsciously pushing it away.
In all honestly, I used to be one of those.
I used to have an unhealthy relationship with money, regardless of the fact I was good at managing it, saving it, spending it and always having a safety net, it was my attitude that was the problem.
Judging those who I perceived as rich with comments like "they must be lucky" or "they probably had wealthy parents" - That is unhealthy and that kind of attitude was never going to get me (or my family) to a place of complete abundance like we are now.
It is conscious choice to change your relationship with money, much like your relationship with eating healthy food or exercising, it takes consistent practice but it eventually becomes a way of "being" and that is when the magic happens!
Within 3 years we went from a tiny 12 square house to one 3 times the size, multiple overseas holidays, welcoming 2 children (now 3) and so much more...
No we did not have any hand outs, we did however have a lot of lows that cost us a small fortune and a lot of stress, but letting life defeat you is not the answer.
Resilience is born out of continuing to move forward and hold the faith.
Carla xx