Resilience building, bank draining sh*t shows can be a blessing.

How many times were you told growing up, “you have to work hard for your money, so you better save up!"

But then never actually taught how the hell to save money?

This is a systemic issue because the fundamentals of money management aren’t even taught in schools.

I mean algebra, seriously?

Breaking down key points from fictional books and writing essays about them, honestly?

When have either of those things helped you ‘adult’ in the real world? Probably NEVER.

This is why so many people;

  • Struggle to save money,

  • Tell themselves they’re bad with it,

  • Overcomplicate it,

  • Think it’s going to run out,

  • Spend every last cent,

  • Never have money to fall back on.

Of course there comes a point when you have to take responsibility that you get to change these things, but it’s okay to throw the occasional pity party and think f*ck why didn’t someone just teach me the basics when I was younger!?

I get it, and trust me, as someone who was taught how to save, have an emergency fund, pay for things in cash or not at all…

It still didn’t make me immune to having money ‘issues’ at times in life, because sometimes life just happens and there are things beyond your control.

Trust me, we (husband included) have had our fair share of resilience building, bank draining shit shows that have cost us well over 6 figures, but we keep moving forward, looking at the light, focusing on what we can change and surrendering to the rest.

With every challenge comes a lesson, resilience and patience.

This saying has always helped me move through difficult times and it’s that “life is always happening for you, not to you.”

Carla xx


Money is a by-product of alignment.


If you are chasing the money, then you have it all wrong.