Money is a by-product of alignment.

Did you know more than 13% of the Australian population lives in households of high financial stress?

The reason I started Money Mindset Hub is so much deeper than money, or mindset, or just learning to make money through profitable businesses.

It’s about the domino effect that is created from removing money stress in households around the world.

Imagine if money was never a stressor in your life, what would life look like then?

Personally, it comes down to my top three values which are:

  1. Family: quality time with my husband, children, family, friends, making memories, traveling the world, no limits to what we can experience together.

  2. Freedom: of time, of choice, of opportunity, the world is our oyster to create whatever we want, give back how we desire, spread my message freely, build a legacy.

  3. Security: our dream family home, financial abundance, no matter what comes up we are supported in every way, we are looked after, our children will always be looked after.

What are your top three values?

How can money support you in making them a reality?

Money is the by-product of living in alignment, of spreading your message, your love, your joy, your kindness.

It comes when you do your part and surrender the rest, it truly is so much deeper than money.

Carla xx


I empower women to rise up, not lower their frequency.


Resilience building, bank draining sh*t shows can be a blessing.