Sadly, this is not how manifestation works

Big goals can feel scary, then when we break it down and visualise how many little tasks are involved to pull the vision together it can be pretty bloody overwhelming to say the least.⁠

A part of my career was in project management and solution architecture (which is a fancy name for someone who designs and costs up call centres to win contracts for the business), so trust me I understand the need (in certain situations) to break everything down to tiny little bite sized pieces and monitor progress until completion, especially when dealing with contracts in 7 figures.⁠

However, sadly that is not how manifestation works and the more fixated you become on the thing you ultimately tell yourself you need or want, the harder it feels an the more resistance gets created on your journey.⁠

Yes clarity is essential don't get me wrong, but the exact path/method to that goal or vision doesn't need to go and more often than now it won't go the way you intended or planned for, which is the beautiful thing about manifestation.⁠

Opportunities can literally begin to fall into place, ones that you may have never seen coming.⁠

I didn't see myself speaking in an online summit for financial empowerment only a couple of months after relaunching this business, or being asked to be featured on podcasts and so much more, but that's how it works.⁠

Manifesting your dream life, your dream business, your dream bank account, it is all supposed to be fun and exciting, so start focusing on the ONE thing you can do each day to move you closer to your end goal and let the rest unfold as you go.⁠

The universe just might continue to surprise you!⁠

Carla xx⁠


Money is hard work and out of reach, until it is not.⁠


8 Tips to Manifest Money Like a Millionaire: