Money is hard work and out of reach, until it is not.⁠

Dream bigger they say, work harder they say, but what do you do when it just makes you feels physically uncomfortable?⁠

Our nervous system is wired to keep as safe, keep us small, keep us in comfort, avoid any uncomfortable situations, feelings, emotions, so there is no wonder that we get that uneasy feeling often.⁠

The truth is though, the more you do it, the more you it becomes easier and you build resilience through your journey of entrepreneurship.⁠

The easier it becomes, the more you open yourself up to incredible opportunities and connections and don't feel so alone or overwhelmed all of the time.⁠

Everything is difficult and hard until it is not.⁠

Money is hard work and out of reach, until it is not.⁠

Showing up, being vulnerable and sharing your truth is hard until it is not.⁠

Becoming comfortable dealing with bigger numbers than you are used too is hard until it is not.⁠

You get to choose your hard and you get to rewrite your story of how life goes for you.⁠

Action Start journaling right now about your dream financial goal and what that money "will" do for you and your life.⁠

Write it from current tense, because the longer you operate out of "want" or "need" the longer it will take up to show up in your life, if ever.⁠

Write that amount ass many times as it takes for your not to be freaked out by it, but nervously excited at the possibilities it will create.⁠

Carla xx⁠

PS. 'Ignited' sessions are filling up fast, so book now to uncover and release your top money block before the year is out!⁠


Spoiler! Your money problems will still exist regardless of how much money you make.


Sadly, this is not how manifestation works