Relationships Are Our Mirrors and the Path to True Happiness
Our relationships serve as profound mirrors to us, our internal triggers, the things we may not like in ourselves are often reflected back to us by those close to us or people that we encounter throughout our lives. Initially we can think it is them, they did this, they said that, but truly that is sitting and reflecting on life as a victim to your circumstances and not the observer of you own reality. I really encourgae you to take note of what triggers you, who triggers you, how they trigger you, and instead of playing the blame game, ask yourself "What is this trying to teach me?" I believe the Universe works in mysterious ways and I believe the more you identify these patterns in your life, the more you can follow the path to find enlightenment, inner peace and heal the wounds of your past. And yes, heal your financial wounds and create more abundance, because money blocks often have nothing to do with money directly, they are so mnuch deeper than that. You will be able to find the bread crumbs and follow the path to unlock and heal these, the more you practice becoming aware of your triggers and questioning where they came from. I hope this was helpful. Carla xx Grab a Money Archetype Blueprint for $32 to understand your potential triggers and the shadow sides of your archetype here: or link in bio