Money is a replenishable resource.

Do you judge someone who has more money than you?

Do you try to undercut their success with comments like "they were probably born into a wealthy family, they were probably just lucky, most rich people are greedy"

This is an unhealthy relationship with money and to put it bluntly, you won't ever be wealthy with this attitude, which I am guessing is total opposite of what you really want right?

So here is your challenge those thoughts when they pop in your head.

Bloom alongside the rest of your "competitors" or "idols" because there is more than enough for everyone to go around.

I too experienced thoughts like this, it wasn't until I did something about it that things began to change.

It's easier to just go along with those thoughts and harder to challenge them and form a new relationship with money, but it is worth the work and the manifestation magic that unfolds is beyond incredible!

Do you struggle with these thoughts too?

Carla xx

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It is safe to call your biz a biz, not a hobby, don't play small when you want to dream big.


Being rich and being wealthy are 2 very different things.