It is safe to call your biz a biz, not a hobby, don't play small when you want to dream big.
Dreaming big is your birth right, being wealthy is your birth right, being courageous, brave, bold, unapologetically you is your birth right.
When I started this journey I would always say things like 'little business' or 'side hustle' but I always dreamed of it being a movement, the vehicle to financial freedom for my family, my life's work and changing the lives of thousands of women around the world.
Yet that little imposter syndrome would creep up and shoot me down constantly.
What happened when it crept in?
I wouldn't take action, I would get stuck looking for motivation and comparing my stage 1 to others stage 99, thinking I wasn't good enough or smart enough to start and grow a business and worse, shiny object syndrome would made me think someone else had the right path, right method that I needed, but no one ever did.
The day I received a DM from a beautiful lady Jess asking how she can work with me it just changed everything for me. I had this idea of a program and she wanted exactly that.
The morale of that little spiel is don't stop because someone is always watching, listening, learning,. being inspired, wanting to learn from you, as soon as you stop you shut off that dream, that vision, that purpose of yours.
I believe in you and that you are to do amazing things.
Carla xx
Ignited - The 1 hr experience, learn more here and stop playing small.