Money doesn't buy you happiness? Bull Sh*t.

Good people do good things with money, and it really is so much deeper than money.

I love to teach on this because of the flow on effect it has.

Have you ever heard the good old saying that “money doesn't buy you happiness?”

Well I disagree.

Woah, I know, let me explain…

When you have been in the position of being stressed about money, do you feel happy? At peace? Find it easy to focus on fun?


Do you find yourself saying no to what you want? Miserable because you don’t know where the money will come from? Secretly stressing and trying to play it cool, but your mentality is anything but cool and collected?

Frankly, money impacts the quality of your life and what you can and can't do.

Hence it directly or indirectly effects your level of happiness, how present you are in the moment, the way you show up and your frequency.

Imagine if money was no longer an issue?

Imagine the experiences you would have, the opportunities that would become available, the freedom it would provide, the way you would show up.

Carla xx


Winning the lotto won’t solve your money problems.


Is your inner child keeping you broke?