Is your inner child keeping you broke?

Do you want to be wealthy, abundant and successful in life and business?

If the answer is hell yes, then you need to work on healing your relationship with your money, period.

Let me explain more...

Our thoughts lead to emotions, our emotions lead to actions, our actions (or inactions) then lead to our results.

Whether we like it or not, our mindset towards what we believe is possible for us to achieve and call in during our lives, is directly correlated with our money mindset and what we believe is possible.

This is because majority of your belief system about yourself, the world and what is possible and available for you in this life, is made up by the time your turn seven years old.

This means that the majority of your internal conditioning, limiting beliefs and fears that continue to run the show now as an adult, came from when you were only a child.

Our life is constantly holding up mirrors to us of the areas of ourselves we need to work on, heal, improve and grow.

Typically this comes up in the moments where we are really triggered and our ego pipes up.

I challenge you to take note of when that ego strikes and ask yourself, “why is this triggering me?”

A lot of the time (in my experience) it comes from memories as a child, the emotions we experienced in those memories, the pain, the fear, the discomfort, and we either couldn’t communicate or comprehend what was going on or we didn’t get the emotional support we needed at the time.

Many of your beliefs and fears are not your own, they are things you have heard, observed, or added your own interpretation too at a time that you were not able to understand,

And that is okay.

Forgive yourself, become aware of your triggers, do what you need too in order to heal, grow and expand.

I really hope this was helpful, I definitely have had a hell of a lot of mirrors and triggers to break through, it’s a journey but it is worth it.

Carla xx


Money doesn't buy you happiness? Bull Sh*t.


Your relationship with money will shape your human experience.