Most people simply aren't resourceful enough to manifest their desires.⁠

Do you find yourself giving up as soon as you see the cost of something your gut said yes too, like a coach or course or mastermind?⁠

Do you instantly think "I can't afford that" or "that's too expensive"?⁠

When you begin to make decisions from your authority, (i.e. your gut feeling for many of us) everything starts to line up just like magic and the ideas of "how" you will afford it start popping into your mind.⁠

The money doesn't always come in the way you expect it to come in, so don't cap this, be imaginative, get RESOURCEFUL!⁠

For example, I live by the saying "it's either a hell yes or it's a no" and the more I make decisions from that place, the more I have seen aligned opportunities arise, establish connections with the most beautiful and supportive people and felt more ease in my life and business.⁠

This showed up with me stumbling across a coach and knowing that I needed a coach to keep me accountable to make the needle moving actions in my biz, so instead of saying no I can't afford it, I started to dream of how would I make it work and how could I manifest the money.⁠

Sure enough, it all aligned and it was made possible and so it was done! I hired the coach, I moved again through another layer of limiting beliefs and I feel more powerful and aligned than ever.⁠

No matter what you want, it is ALWAYS a possibility, so think outside the box when that feeling of knowing you need that coach/course/mastermind etc.⁠

Journal on it, give yourself a cooling off period, but do not allow the "I can't afford it" mentality stop you from making big bold moves in your life and business, you only get one life so make it magic!⁠

Carla xx

Be sure to book your 1 hr Ignited session to uncover and release your top money block


Synchronicities appear in life when you align yourself.


My past relationship with money wasn't pretty, but I chose to change it.