If you have this you will always succeed

Provided that you have the staying power in this game of entrepreneurship and you can ride the waves, you will always be successful. You will always succeed at that thing, at that goal, at that level that you want to hit, it's the staying power that gets you there. There will be high highs and low lows, and sometimes it honestly feels like things aren't working until they do. The undeniable inner knowing that it's going to work out and things are going to come together and your biggest dreams are going to come to fruition, that's when you have that staying power. You have to flex that faith muscle, clear the beliefs around why it won't work first. Why do you think it won't work? Why do you think that's not for you? If someone shows you something is possible, it is possible for you. That is one of the biggest beliefs that I've had to shift, because if she can do it, I can do it. If I can do it, you can do it too. Carla x PS. Check out this podcast episode here: moneymindsethub.com/podcast/62 or on your fav podcast app. Or join the Matrix Membership and come for the ride as we manifest the life and business we never want to escape, link in bio or go to moneymindsethub.com/matrix


Maybe your biggest block is thinking you have a block


Breaking the Procrastination Cycle