Breaking the Procrastination Cycle
Most people will get in this procrasti-learning phase where they just learn, learn, learn, all the things we never actually implement. The implementation of what you're learning is the most important part, because it's your actions that lead to your results or your inactions that lead to the same perpetuating cycle that you've been used to. If you want X then you must learn these things, BUT when you do the learning and then you don't move, don't change your habits, your patterns, your thoughts, your behaviors, guess hat happens? 12 months later you are in the exact same place you are now, nothing has changed. I have been stuck in that procrasti-learning phase where I just like learned everything, but I wasn't integrating to the level that I know I should have been to get me to where I wanted to be faster. We have been there but it is time to call yourself and commit to making a change. Reach out if you desire support - 1 month, 3 month and 6 month private options available, link in bio or go to Carla x PS. Check out this podcast episode at or on your fav podcast app.