If you give up now, this would all have been for nothing.

Your mind does not know the difference between whether a belief is true or false.

Your mind also does not know the difference between reality and your imagination.

Whatever you believe is true for you is,

Because whatever you think you can do, have, achieve, receive and create, is exactly what you will allow yourself to experience.

Beliefs are simply thoughts you have thought repetitively and now dominate your mind.

You will only grow to the extent that you allow yourself and normally that stays within the limits of what is familiar from your past patterns, behaviours and experiences.

What if you decided to making being wealthy familiar?

What if you decided that you were done with being in a feast or famine cycle and were only available for overflow?

What if you decided you were done with working hard for money and it was time to take the leap and commit to your business?

What if you decided that now is your time and there will never be a better time to chase your dreams and truly experience freedom?

I made these decisions too, serval years ago and I have never looked back.

Have I experienced the self sabotages, imposter syndrome, self doubt, fear, overwhelm?


When you learn to feel the fear and still move regardless, this is true growth, true expansion, true devotion to your desires.

If you give up now, this would all have been for nothing. (Read that again).

You are so powerful, so resilient, so worth every cent you invest in yourself and your business, because you are your best investment and everyone benefits from this expansion.

You, Your Family, Your friends, Your clients.

Your mission and vision for starting your business is so much greater than you, it’s time to take up space and be who you are truly meant to be.

Carla xx


Transcend into new heights and become unstoppable.


Are you really stuck and overwhelmed, or do you just struggle to regulate?