Debt is not always a bad thing, no matter how conditioned you are to believe it is.

Debt is not always a bad thing, no matter how conditioned you are to believe it is.

In financial counselling, debt is one of the main reasons people reach out for help, but the debt isn't the problem....

The reason behind the debt,

The reason behind spending out of alignment,

The true root cause of why you are energetically accustomed to being in such levels of debt constantly,

This is what we need to break apart.

Debt is simply you making the decision to pay something off over time and there is nothing wrong with that.

For example, when I was pregnant with our eldest (now 4), we upgraded our car and bought a demo from the dealership.

Now we could have paid for the car outright with cash, but we chose to pay it off, instead of saying goodbye to a huge chunk of money when we were going into the realm of unknown bringing our first baby into the world.

We chose to be as financially supported and empowered as possible by having all that money available to us, instead of looking at debt as a bad thing.

The result?

Maternity leave filled with joy, pleasure, no stress, money not being an issue and we paid the car off in our own time, instead of 5 years we did it in under 2!

Morale of the story is don't beat yourself up about, sometime it is a necessity, sometimes it is a need, sometimes it is the smartest choice, but if it ever feels icky to you then that is what you need to dive deep into.

I can help you with that and soooo much more so don't you worry!

Learn more here on how to uncover and release your top abundance block in only 60mins.

Carla xx


My past relationship with money wasn't pretty, but I chose to change it.


I refuse to let money be the reason I say no to my desires.