90. Breaking Generational Trauma with Mary Joyce (MJ)


In this episode I speak to the beautiful Mary Joyce, a trauma and transition life coach. Mary discusses her role in helping individuals break through limiting beliefs and past traumas to rediscover their passion, purpose and transition into their best selves.

The conversation delves into understanding and overcoming generational traumas, the power of self-care, self-worth, self-love in healing, and strategies to confront and rewrite limiting beliefs using techniques like NLP.

We also explore the emotional aspects tied to money and success, emphasizing the continuous nature of personal growth, the importance of embodying love and happiness to empower others, and setting healthy boundaries within familial relationships to halt negative cycles.

The episode concludes with practical tips on starting the healing journey, leaning into triggers for personal growth, and the reaffirmation that understanding and change begin within oneself.

Mary's Links:

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91. Unleash Your Inner Authority, Lessons Learned From Erika Cramer


89. Your Path to Prosperity Begins with Mastering This