12. Drop the shame & activate your power.
In this episode we talk all things:
The past is not even real, stop allowing the past define your future financial reality.
The biggest investment I have made to date to up level, expand and grow beyond my wildest dreams.
What really is the driving force behind exponential growth and expansion.
The one thing that is worse than not reaching your potential.
The trajectory of your financial reality, your dream business, your expansive life is not defined by this one thing.
The cycle of confidence and how to create the confidence you need to keep going, has to start with two other phases first.
If you are stuck in the procrastination or perfectionism stage, do this instead.
The part of your brain that will support everything you say you can or cannot do depending on what you tell it.
The reason it is so hard to do difficult things but the reason you need to do it.
My experience getting on video for the first time, it was terrifying.
The couple of practices I do whenever I find something I feel drawn to purchase or invest in to decide whether it really is in alignment with my highest self.
Welcome to the money mindset hub podcast. I'm your host Carla Townsend, and money mindset and success coach on a mission to normalize feminine wealth through empowering the minds of fierce females in business. You're in the right place if you are a female who wants to become a vibrational match to attract more wealth, freedom and abundance, but you just keep getting stuck or there's something amiss. There's something blocking you from attracting that desired level of success and reaching your highest potential. So I'll be talking all things money mindset, energetics of money manifestation law of attraction, CEO mindset, and much much more. Because the world needs more kind hearted women like you with deep pockets. So let's get started.
Hi, and welcome back to another episode of the money mindset hub podcast. So this session is brought to you by my brand new 60 minute deep dive to initiate your transformation of your relationship with money and calibrate to in a wealthy woman. This session is called wealthy woman ignited and it is nothing short of magic. I literally only put it up on my socials yesterday. And I already had the first session today with a beautiful client who had such a release and an emotional effect. And it was just Yeah, it was pure magic. So in this 60 minute deep dive, we dive deep into your subconscious mind to uncover that uncover that top money block that's been holding you back from being able to calibrate to that next level of wealth and attract that level of success that you truly desire. So it's an incredible introductory offer for anyone who's in the early stages of the money mindset journey, or within their first few years of business. So hit the link in the show notes and book your session now the price will be increasing November 30. So getting quick. And on today's episode. So I really wanted to start this out by saying your future is not defined by your current perceived limitations, or by your financial mistakes in the past. Anything in the past does not define you where you are now and where you are going, the trajectory of your life and the trajectory of your financial situation does not is not based off the past. Okay. This is something that I know a lot of a lot of women in particular and men obviously but we feel that guilt and shame towards situations that you've made in the past. And it's okay. I mean, to be really honest, if we're gonna talk metaphysics past is not even real, it only lives in our minds, or the trauma that's held in with our bodies, being able to actually activate your power begins with that decision. And that belief of that you are enough and you are worthy. And knowing that it is possible and opening yourself up to the realm of possibilities that there is without that internal little nagging voice saying that you can't or just doubting everything that you do. So absolutely, everything is a choice, you get to choose to do be have create, receive more. And I know for a lot of women, you feel that guilt and shame for even wanting more, like why aren't you grateful for everything you've already got. And it's not that you're not grateful for what you have now, because gratitude, you know, if you're listening to this, I'm sure you're you're a lover of manifestation as much as I am. Gratitude is one of the pivotal points for manifesting what you want. You can't attract more of what you want, if you aren't grateful for what you already have. So gratitude is one of those the biggest things, but it is okay. And it is not shameful to want more than what you have. And to want to live an extraordinary life and to want to achieve incredible things. It doesn't mean you're not grateful for what you've already got and what you've already accomplished. And again, reflection is such a dramatic tool. And going back you can actually review where have you been and how far have you come and what have you implemented and change in your own life that has changed our trajectory, because you could have chosen to go down many different paths in life but you chose where you are because right now you are where you are supposed to be. Right now you are exactly where you are supposed to be. And from now you get to choose whether the life that you're living right now and your financial reality right now is exactly how you want it to continue to play out over the next few years. And if it's not, babe, it's your choice. You get to change it right now. So this week, I even did something super scary, right? So I invested in a mastermind This is the biggest investment I have ever made. i It was so scary, but I knew right I took the time I practice patience I reflected on the situation I reflected is this is this in alignment With me, is this where I want to spend this money? Is this investment going to, like, come back to me tenfold? Am I really ready for this? Because up until this point, like, I don't know, for some reason I kept holding myself back, you know, like, masterminds there for the millionaires, you know, like that, but like the super, super successful women. And that was just a story I was telling myself. So again, this, this mindset work is something that never ends, you just continue it on, like, new level new devil, there's always something that will always be daily, I believe, for a self doubt, or something that's going to question your ability to do and be and having create and receive more than what you already have, you know, but pushing yourself out of that comfort zone. That's when the magic happens. And so for me, it was like, by putting myself in the position where I'm in a mastermind, I'm surrounded by other women who also want the same as me, and who are having incredible results and being led by an incredible mentor. It puts me it makes me accountable. And accountability is, that is one of the most pivotal point, I said this before, accountability is one of the most powerful things that you can have. Because we can only get ourselves so far, doing it all ourselves, and learning all the things all ourselves. And it's fantastic to have mentors who know more, and they know quicker ways to do things or, you know, they can snap you out of it, but they also hold you accountable. They hold you accountable to take action, they hold you accountable to do the things you said you're going to do. And if you don't have to answer that someone, you know, it's a another example of where accountability really plays a big part is I love to use the example of having a personal trainer. So I personally know how to train myself. I've been training for my god, eight or nine years now, I have done a cert three and fitness. So I'm actually a qualified group instructor. So I know how to train myself and how to write programs and how to do all those things. But when I actually have my own personal trainer, and I am responsible to show up, that is when I will always show up, I will not miss a session unless I am chronically sick or one of the kids or something for whatever reason. But even if I'm dog tired, I will show up and I will be held accountable to show up and get my ass in the gym and do the work. So it's the same thing when it comes to Yeah, I guess investing in a mastermind like I did, or, or having a one to one coach, which I also have at the moment. It keeps me accountable to take action. And by doing that I have seen results because I've stopped procrastinating and stop focusing on getting everything perfect that I actually just take bold, messy action, and then I get results. That's another thing. I guess like it's all about that energetic expansion, like read being able to reach your potential. And I know for so many of you listening, reaching your potential is something that you have to do in your lifetime. Because living with regret is something none of us want to do. Right? You're no one wants to live with regret. So if you want to be able to reach your potential, and call in abundance and call in overflow, and call in expansive energy, then you need to put yourself in those positions where you're you're working directly with, you know, powerful people who are expanders, and then you start as well to make decisions from that future state.
And that's what I mean, do your past and your financial position in the past does not define the trajectory of your financial future. It does not define the trajectory of your success. And what is to come for you. Because you get to make that decision now, from that that successful version of you that has everything that you want, how would she show up? How would she act? What decisions would she make? How would she schedule her week? How would she run her day? How does she feel? And how does she practice that confidence. This is another thing that actually come up today. Because being stuck in perfectionism and being stuck in that procrastination stage, we then we forget about just taking messy action. For a lot of us that seems quite scary, like taking messy action. You know, it's about having that confidence. And that confidence is created from taking action, you say because for me, the action creates the evidence that you can even do the work that you say you can do. It creates the evidence that you deserve to be paid whatever you want to be paid. And then that provides the confidence. So I'll say that, again. The competence comes from action that creates evidence that creates competence. So in order to be confident about something, you still need to take the action because that's what's going to give you the evidence. Now your reticular activating system, which is a part of your brain is constantly looking for evidence of what you're trying to tell it. So when we have have a belief that we're stuck in that we say for instance, we never finish anything. Like if you think to yourself, I never finished anything, your reticular activating system in your brain is going to try and find evidence to back that up so that it becomes your truth, and therefore hold you back from finishing anything you say it's like a, anyway, it's a nasty little Sokal. But this is the thing. So to be confident, to show up to expand, to grow, to connect, to build that legacy, and go out and share your your message with the world, you need that competence, but it comes from taking the action, creating the evidence, the competence will come, it will always come fake it till you make it. I think that applies to competence. 100%. So I mean, even for me, like the thought of putting my face on camera, and talking about one of the most taboo topics that there is money. It was just terrifying. Like it was absolutely terrifying. But the thing was, I was more scared of not feeling completely fulfilled in my life, not following my intuition, not sharing my message and supporting other women. And living with the regret was more scary than actually taking the messy action. I remember the first time I got on stories, and I was so sweaty. Like looking back now I was so sweaty, I was that terrified. But then it just got easier and easier. And if you follow me on Instagram, at money mindset hub, you will say that, why jump on? It just builds an actual now and it does. So yeah. So to finish up this episode, I want you to ask yourself the question and probably journal on it. I love a good journal. What are your deepest desires? What are they? What do you really want? If you absolutely knew that your success was inevitable? And if you knew that, no one would question you and everything would come true. What do you actually want? What are your desires? What is your power? Who are you trying to step into? And what do you need to do to get there, maybe you do need to hire that coach, maybe you do need to join that mastermind, maybe you do need to buy that course, whatever it is, go and do that thing. Now before when we talk about buying things like that. I don't want you to get caught up in shiny object syndrome, right? I want you to also remember and check in practice patience, do your research, find the things that you feel good, even when it comes to a coach feel the energy. So for me, I follow the golden rule, which is if it's not a how, yes, it's a no. So if I'm not a full body, hell yes. For something. It's a no, my gut says it's a no, my authority is to make my decisions from that place. And if you love human design, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about. So practice that because I hands down, it will help you and then practice the patients have that cooling off period to reflect before you go and commit, especially when it's financially especially if you're still stuck in the position where you feel like you know, I've you've made, maybe decisions that weren't the best in the past or maybe you feel broke or stuck right now. And you know, you don't want that to be your financial reality going forward. Practice those things like look for those expanders and surround yourself with people that are doing what you want to be doing. And they're in their energy because it is contagious. It is so contagious. But yeah, I'm gonna leave that there. Thank you so much for listening. I'll catch you in the next episode.
Thanks for listening to this week's episode. I hope you enjoyed it and if so, please subscribe to the podcast and join our mailing list at money mindset hub.com. Until next time, remember, everything you desire and deserve is just on the other side of your own resistance. So take that next step.