119. The 5 Step Manifestation Formula For Your Best Year Yet


In this final episode of the Money Mindset Hub podcast for 2024, we reflect on the year that’s been and set the stage for an incredible 2025. Together, we’ll dive into our proven five-step manifesting formula: declutter, decide, be, do, and have. This approach highlights the power of setting clear intentions and actionable goals for both personal and business growth.

We’ll also share practical tips to align with your aspirations, provide a free resource to support your intention-setting process, and explore an AI hack to help anchor your goals on a subconscious level. Let’s wrap up 2024 with gratitude and step into 2025 with clarity, focus, and purpose.

01:49 Manifesting Formula: Declutter
03:35 Manifesting Formula: Decide
04:17 Manifesting Formula: Be
07:07 Manifesting Formula: Do
09:43 Manifesting Formula: Have
12:31 Setting Intentions for the New Year
17:01 Anchoring into Your Goals
21:39 AI Hack and Final Thoughts

Tune in and let’s prepare for 2025 together with renewed energy and actionable strategies!



Watch the full episode below:

  • Hello, and welcome back to the Money Mindset Hub podcast. I'm your host, Carla Townsend, and I'm a Money Mindset and Success Coach for female entrepreneurs. So welcome back to the last and final episode of the Money Mindset Hub podcast for 2024. Can you even believe it? I can't even believe that we're at this point.

    I hope that you had the most beautiful Christmas with your friends, your family, your loved ones. And it was just a magical time for you. I honestly feel like Christmas is definitely my favorite part of the year.

    And it always has been, but especially now having three children of my own and reliving all those memories together, it's just so beautiful and awesome. Always eternally grateful for being able to share that with the people that I love. It's just, just the most beautiful time just to count your blessings and truly reconnect with what really matters.

    Now I know at this time of year too, it's one of those big reflection times where you sort of look back and think, what did I do? What didn't I do? What did I do? Well, what could I have done better? And what's on the horizon for 2025. And I feel like it's such an exciting time, to be honest, because it's a time where you get to think, you know, what are my goals?

    What's my vision? Do I want to reinvent myself, my business, my brand, and what it is I'm here to create? Because at the end of the day, we have all these incredible goals, but without a plan, they're just a wish. So. In this episode, we're going to cover what my manifesting formula is, and don't worry, I keep it super simple as always, and how to set your intentions for the new year as well.

    And I do it in a very specific way and have done so for five years and trust me, it works. And then also how to anchor into your goals. And then I'm going to give you a cheeky little AI hack that you can use to also really reconnect with your vision on a subconscious level. So, Let's dive into my manifesting formula, the five steps to manifest.

    Now these are declutter, decide, be, do, have, in that exact order. And trust me, if you say it a few times, you will understand and you will remember it, and it's so simple. I always start with decluttering. So decluttering is around physically, emotionally, energetically, just getting rid of everything that is not in alignment with where you want to go.

    And it's about creating space. So I'm a big believer that if you want something new, you really need to create the space for what it is that you want. So for instance, multiple times throughout the year. I always declutter. I'm constantly decluttering. I have three children. You get a lot of stuff build up.

    And I actually like to live a pretty minimal life. So my house is pretty minimal. So I always start there and it doesn't matter what it is that I'm trying to manifest, but I always start with my physical environment. So maybe you're the same, but I find if my environment is cluttered, it's messy.

    There's just too much stuff. I mentally feel like I can't focus, especially in my office. I need to do that.

    So I always start with decluttering my physical space first, but then I start to think about emotionally, how am I feeling and how can I just shift that energy and move through? And also spiritually, how can I connect a little bit more if I haven't felt that connected? So I always start with decluttering, decluttering my mind and my workspace, my home, my environment, my Dropbox for my business to make sure everything is in order.

    But it's just that creates this fresh new energy. And I always find that every time I declutter, an idea pops in. I am my most creative when I'm decluttering. It's crazy, but it works. So that's declutter. Now, the second step is to decide, decide what it is that you want. Now, the easiest way to decide what it is that you want is to ask yourself, what don't you want?

    Because the direct opposite of that will be your answer. So finding clarity gets to be as simple as that. It's, well, I actually don't know what I want. And often we're a bit more scared of admitting what we want, because we do have a lot of limiting beliefs and doubts and fears and all of that that comes up.

    But I want you to ask yourself, if you do struggle with this, well, what don't I want for my health? What don't I want to experience in business? What don't I want to experience personally? And then what's the opposites of each of those don'ts that brings you clarity of what you really, truly want. Now, the third step.

    Is to be, so we've done the clutter decide. And now we're going to be, this being is really around connecting with your highest self. Who is she? Where's she going? What does she value? What's important to her? How does she show up? How does she dress? How does she feel? All of it, all of it is all connected.

    So I want you to think about the highest version of yourself. We all know who that is. Like deep down, it's your fully expressed self, your most authentic self. When you are fully expressed in that way, it is easy to be you. You are not drained. You are not putting on a facade. You feel good and confident and brave and courageous.

    So you can go and do the things. So being is. Acting as if you've already got all those things that you've just decided upon. If you already had all those things, how would you be? How would you show up? How would you think? What would you essentially be feeling day to day? Like express that woman, that most authentic genuine self.

    Who is she? Who is she? What does she value? What's important to her? How does she spend her time? Would she even bat an eyelid at the things that have been, say, troubling you this year or challenging you this year? And just to point on that, when it comes to challenges, and I know I've had conversations with many, many business owners across various different ranges of types of businesses, brick and mortar, online, coaches, service providers, products, all of it.

    And A lot of people have experienced a bit of a difficult last half of this year. So I want to remind you that if that is you, that  resilience is only ever created in the times that are challenging. Resilience isn't something that you just go about your life and your day and everything's great. You know, easy breezy.

    And then you just build resilience. Resilience comes out of those hard times where you have to dig deep, where you have to remember what it is you are here to do, who you are here to serve, what you're here to create the legacy. It's beyond you and it's being of service.   Remember that and dig deep. So in those challenging times, it's easy to sometimes fall into the victim mentality of like, why me?

    Why does this keep happening? But the quicker that you shift out of that, the quicker that you actually get to look for opportunities. Like, why am I learning about this? What is this here to teach me? How can I apply this? How can I learn from this to maybe not make those sorts of mistakes again? Because I always find that.

    Every single challenge that you face, one, it's going to build resilience, but two, I believe that it's just an initiation for you. It's an initiation to determine whether or not you want what you say you want, what you think you want. It's about building that resilience to get to that next level in business, in life, finances, in relationships, whatever it might be that you're going towards. 

    Now, the next one is do. So that's number four. So we've got declutter, decide, be, do. Now, do is Actually taking action and it is action towards the decisions that you have made and what you want to achieve. So what would she do? The woman that already has everything that she wants. The one that has already kicked all those goals.

    What would she do? What habits would she have? How would she look after herself, her health, her family, her relationships, her finances, her business? How would she operate in every aspect of her life in business and personally? For more information visit www. FEMA. gov What would she do? And just reflect right now, but this year, where have you maybe dropped the ball a little bit?

    Is there different parts that you've thought are really didn't nail it there that I could do a little bit better? Maybe it is towards your health. Maybe it is towards your finances. Maybe it is towards your business, your habits, your routines, whatever it might be, think, how can I do just a little bit better?

    And it's not about making a million different changes and having to like completely flip everything on its head, but it's about committing and doing that little one percenters in all those different areas to get better. That's all it is. So, okay. This last year kind of didn't really do the best on this, this, and this.

    Right. Then what's one thing, just one thing that you could do a little bit better for each of those. Then once you have actually began and got those things and started to do better at those things and they implemented to the point that they've become a habit, then how can you just improve it a little bit more when people tend to get jumbled up is they think that it's going to change everything all at once. But that is so much because you think you are a creature of habit. Humans are creatures of habit. So trying to change every single habit all at once is going to feel very overwhelming and maybe you're feeling a little bit overwhelmed right now with all these things you're like, I need to do this.

    I need to do this. I need to do this. Just pick one.

    Now, before we dive into number five, I just wanted to let you know that I did actually create a free resource for you and it goes through all of this. And then obviously the next part, which is around setting intentions in your business and your personal life, specifically in diving deep, and then how to actually prime your subconscious mind to anchor into those desires.

    And obviously the AI hack. So go to the show notes and there is a link there for the free resource. So you can actually get that clarity on what it is that you want to create for next year. And it just makes it really, really simple.

    So I've got that there for you. It's a free resource. It just makes Put it all in front of you just in case you're like, Oh no, I need to go back. And I need to re listen to this again. What was the five steps? It's all there for you. So don't stress. So just go to the link in the show notes and it has the free resource that you can download and just go at your own pace and do it.

    And remember to come back too. So the final one is have now have is actually allowing yourself to receive the abundance, the money, the good fortune, the things that come your way without actually sabotaging it. So have. Is working on that receivership now having worked with hundreds of women's I have realized that the receivership is the hardest and it was definitely the part that I struggled with the most.

    So you may have heard me talk about this before on the podcast, but if there is one thing that you can practice, if you struggle with receivership is start to allow yourself to receive a compliment without having to discredit it or give a compliment back

    try to be able to accept a compliment and just say, thank you. And it feels icky at first, but just try it, try it until it gets easy. Because the question here that I want to pose to you is if you struggle with accepting a compliment from somebody, how are you going to accept money, recognition, opportunities that come your way?

    There is so much that we can block just by simply not understanding how to receive and not being able to receive in certain parts. Remember what happens in your personal life will affect what happens into your business as well. It's a flow on effect. I believe that it's actually felt energetically through your business.

    So if there's things going on in your business, If there's things going on in your personal life, and you're really struggling to receive that good fortune, receive that good luck, receive those compliments, receive the love, receive the praise, whatever it might be, then that's going to flow on into your business.

    And that could be the thing that is affecting you from receiving money from clients. from charging what you want from attracting new people in because there's that receivership there when really it's kind of like this big red flag to the universe. They're like, no, no, no, she can't do that yet because she can't even do this over here.

    So I don't think we can give her that opportunity just yet because she's not ready for it. She's not ready to receive it. And again, go back to the declutter, decide, be, do, have. Declutter all the beliefs that are actually coming through that you can't receive. You can't charge that. You can't ask for that.

    It's rude if you say thank you, if someone gives you a compliment, you know, and then decide what are you going to do from now on? If someone gives me a compliment, if someone wants to pay me, if someone wants to give me more than what I asked, what am I actually going to do about it? And then be,  be that woman who is open arms ready to receive, because you need to have that coherence within your body and your mind.

    To be able to actually receive and open up and not feel icky because when you feel icky, it can self sabotage and that it can actually sabotage the behavior without even realizing that you're doing it. That's when you can sabotage and actually not receive, which is rejecting it, which is also signaling, signaling to the universe that you're not ready for it.

    So then the universe isn't going to give you more clients, more love, more recognition, all of that without actually being able to receive little things. So again, every time you feel a bit icky, remember it's an initiation into next level. So what would she do about it? How would she act? What would she do?

    And then allow yourself to receive and practice. So let's dive into the next step. 

    So whenever I'm setting intentions for the new year, I break it down into two different categories. So you can do both or you can do one at a time. Remember the resource is In the show notes has got all of these listed out for you. And it's a really simple workbook. It's going to help you so much. So first off, I just want to dive through your business intentions.

    I'm going to tell you what the categories are that I use. So you can go ahead and break it down and get very specific. So when it comes to business, there are six different categories.

    So there is your time and freedom, your finances and money, relationships and visibility, your team and support sales and marketing, pricing and packages. So I want you to think about each of those. What do you want in each specific area in your business only? So just full CEO hat on here, what do you want in each of those six categories?

    And remember, if you struggle with getting clarity on what it is you want, what don't you want to happen with your finances and your money and your business? What don't you want to happen with your team and your support? Then the opposite of that is actually what you do want, and I want you to be specific.

    Now, I know you would've heard this a million times, but specificity is what is actually going to help you to be able to execute, because if it's not specific, you can't track it, you don't know how close you are. It's a bit of a blase, vague, gray kind of a goal, and. It's not clear. You can't track your progress throughout the year of how you're going.

    So this is what I want you to do. Just get super, super, super specific. It's really easy when it comes to money, right? Let's say you're going for a 20 K month by June. Okay. Well, if that's your goal by June. Then have it, it'd be 10 K by March, have it again. So I want you to think about this and break it down.

    If you're going to do it as a full year, right? So let's say next year, 2025, if you're going to break all these down, I want you to think about your goals for the 12 months, probably should have said that at the start, but with these intentions, it's for this calendar year. So think about what do you want?

    in each of these six categories for this year. And I want you to think about it and break it down. So you can reverse engineer your goals so they know exactly what you need to do. Month on month, you know exactly what you need to do in order to be able to gain traction and momentum towards these goals, to actually be able to finish them or build real momentum towards getting them achieved.

    So I want you By the end of the year, so whatever those goals are, I want you to break them down week by week, month by month, quarter by quarter, six monthly, whatever you want to do. But you need to break it down and you need to actually track your progress towards them. And it doesn't have to be boring.

    And if you have a team that can help you do this, but also please, please, please tell your team your goals. What are the things you're working towards and break it down. Now, the next one is around personal. So when it comes to your personal, again, there are six categories, similar, but different. So we've got time, freedom, your finances, your money, health, and wellbeing.

    future purpose, friends, family, love, and relationships. Now you don't have to use all of these, even all the ones that I've mentioned. Well, for business, I do recommend you look at those six categories. They're probably the most important. However, when it comes to your personal, you don't need to, or you could just pick a combination of these and use that whatever it might be, but for your personal.

    These are really great categories and good starting points. So again, what do you want in each of these categories and make it really specific. Let's say for instance, it's health and wellbeing, and you just want to be fitter, what does fitter mean? I want to be able to run three kilometers without stopping come June. And then again, you can reverse engineer that and track your progress towards it. So three kilometers by June, half that, you want to be able to run 1. 5 kilometers come March. So again, you know, come March, all right, I want to be able to run 1.

    5 kilometers. And when you get there, then you'll be able to say, can I do it? Yes. Yes or no. Yes. Great. I'm on my way now. Keep going. How could I improve that 1 percent to make sure I can actually hit that three kilometer run come June. See what I mean? You can break down everything, but if they're not specific enough, then you won't be able to actually measure them.

    It'd be kind of a little bit blase and blase goals aren't really going to help you. You really want to be specific because that's how you can actually make the Decisions on what are the habits and behaviors that you need to implement as a CEO in your business and in your life in order to be able to get the goals and to get to the end of next year and think, God, I killed it. I smashed it out of the park. That's what I want you to get to. So break them down. 

    Now, the last thing I want to talk to you today is about anchoring. So being able to anchor into these goals. Now there are so many different ways and in the workbook, I've given you a bunch of examples so you can pick what works for you, but let's just think about a couple that come to mind. One, change your laptop password with your big goal for the year.

    So give you an example. I set my password for my work laptop when I was still working in 2023. It was full time CEO, 2023. And I set that at the beginning of the year. So every single time I clocked on to work, that was my password. And then come December 20.

    That was my last day. Now, when I set that password, it was a goal. I really wanted to get there. And of course I was doing the things in order to get there. However, I wasn't a hundred percent on whether it was going to happen or not, but I did. And I do believe it's because every single time I logged on and remember, you sort of start to operate in a little bit of autopilot.

    Like how often do you remember your passwords? You just sort of like muscle memory. You know exactly what keys to type. Okay. But I knew that every single time I was typing that, whether I was consciously aware of it or not, subconsciously, I was aware that I was typing in full time CEO, 2023. Every time. 

    So now once you've done all of your goals and you know exactly what it is you're working towards in your business and in your life, I like to do a vision board. All my business specifically. And then I have a vision board for my life.

    I like to keep the two separate and these aren't just vague ones that you just put a bunch of stuff up on and then never look at them again. But once you've actually. Understood exactly what it is you're working towards in your business. And then in your life, you can create a vision board for each.

    If you want to,

    so there's different ways of doing that. I personally set mine as the background of my phone. It's already on there and it's great. So every time I unlock it, I can see exactly what I'm working towards in 2025.

    Another thing that you could do is actually take a picture of yourself and holding or achieving whatever it is that you want to, by the end of the year, like your really big goal. And I had a client who actually did this and she had this picture where she had Photoshop the award that she wanted to win and she had put that everywhere.

    So when she walked around her house, there was images just on her laptop and on her fridge and in her car, they were everywhere of her with this picture of her holding this award. She hadn't won this award obviously at this point, but she kept anchoring into her subconscious everywhere she looked, even if she wasn't consciously aware that she was looking at it, she was looking at it and your subconscious takes it in.

    And then, several months later, she did, she won that exact award that she'd photocopied into her hand. So this stuff works. Now, if you're like, Oh, I don't know if this is going to work for me. I just want to say, especially to all the moms out there, you will get this. Your subconscious is always listening.

    So think about when you're having a conversation with one of your friends at home and you're just having a conversation. And next thing you hear the word, mom, You are so engaged in this conversation, but your subconscious is still listening to your kids. So the minute you hear mom, you're like, whoa, what is it?

    You can't even help it because that's how much your subconscious is still aware of everything that's going on around you. It's still aware of the background noise, the conversations, your kids everything. It knows exactly what is going on around you. So that's just how easy it is to understand that there's so much power in it.

    So another couple of ways that you could actually anchor into your goals are just putting post it notes of your big goals everywhere. In all the different places that your subconscious again is going to see it, whether you realize it or not. Maybe you like crystals or candles. They help you anchor.

    Maybe it's a certain perfume that you put on and that anchors you into the feeling that you want to have when you achieve a certain goal. Like if you can tie little things, using all your senses together to anchor into a specific goal, it's going to help so much.

    So in the download, there is a bunch of different ones that I've written down, but obviously you can think of your own as well. Just anything that is going to remind you of what it is you're working towards, because it is very easy. And I have been guilty of this before is writing all my goals in a journal and then not going back and actually looking at the journal until towards the end of the year.

    And I realized, Oh, I actually did do a lot of those things, but there was a few that I completely forgot that I'd even written down. So. Don't do that. Don't go write them in a journal and then ever look at them again, or read them every day. Write them in your journal. And then every morning, just read it, read it, read it, read it, because then it's going to again, anchor in.

    So the last thing I have for you is this pretty cool AI hack, and this will help you dramatically. If you download the resource that I've got for you, there is an AI hack in there to manifest, and it's going to help you create your own personalized visualization to be able to actually read through and really sink into what it is you're creating.

    So if you want to know what that is, grab the free download and have a look. It's on the last pages and that is just game changing. So I hope you have the most beautiful New Year's, whatever it is that you do, whatever your tradition is, and I hope that you are seriously ready.

    To just go all in and truly go for it in 2025, the years are going faster and faster. I used to think my parents were talking rubbish when they would say this to me, but they're so true. It really is. So I just want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart for being here, for listening to this podcast that I absolutely adore. I cannot believe I still pinch myself that it has now been a bit over three years, three years and three months since I actually launched this podcast and it has reached 110 countries now.

    Which is phenomenal, tens of thousands of downloads, some incredible guests that have come on and I cannot wait to take you on the ride for 2025. There is a lot that I have in store, incredible guests and conversations that you are going to absolutely adore and it's time to go big or go home. So I will see you in 2025.

    Thank you so much for being here and I can't wait to be back with you very shortly.

     Thank you so much for listening to today's episode. I hope you enjoyed it. And if you did, I would absolutely love it. If you could please leave me a five star review and let me know your thoughts. Remember everything you desire and deserve is just on the other side of your own resistance. So take that next step.


120. 10 Broke Behaviours to Leave in 2024


118. Combatting Stress & Burnout with Nutritionist & Mum of Four, Rach Jobling