1. Who am I? What is Money Mindset Hub?

Hey I'm Carla and I am a Money Mindset and Success Coach.

My mission is to normalise feminine wealth through empowering the minds of fierce females in business, so they can become a vibrational match to attract more wealth, freedom and abundance. 

I'll be talking all things;

  • money

  • mindset

  • manifestation

  • law of attraction

  • energetics

  • abundance and more.

So join me for weekly episodes released each Wednesday.

  • Welcome to the Money Mindset Hub podcast. I'm your host Carla Townsend, a money mindset and success coach on a mission to normalize feminine wealth through empowering the minds of fierce females in business.

    You're in the right place if you are a female in business who wants to become a vibrational match to attract more wealth, freedom and abundance, but you just keep getting stuck or there's something a miss.

    There's something blocking you from attracting that desired level of success and reaching your highest potential.

    So I'll be talking all things money mindset, energetics of money manifestation law of attraction, CEO mindset, and much, much more.

    Because the world needs more kind hearted women like you with deep pockets. So let's get started.

    Hello, lovely and welcome to the first episode of the money mindset hub podcast. I'm your host, Carla Townsend.

    Look, I actually can't believe that I finally pulled the trigger and launch this or pull the pin as I would say, because I always completely butcher all of the common sayings.

    Look, I did tell a couple of people that this was happening and if you already know me, you know that I'm someone who I love to chat, I can literally talk on the water and probably overshare. So when I was starting a podcast, my friends said, just do it!

    And I'm honestly stoked that you're here and I'm so glad that I finally gained the courage to share my learnings and message with the world via a podcast.

    I am definitely leaning into following the path of least resistance and telling myself that it gets to be easy, you know, it gets to feel good, it gets to feel flowy not just the whole hustle and grind mentality, which you know, I am definitely against hustling grinding, because that's just burns me out.

    I need to I just want to do this in a way that I love and I want to make an impact in the world in a way that feels most natural to me.

    And so anyway, let's dive in and I'll explain a little bit more about me and what this podcast will be about.

    So we'll get started with a couple of just fun facts!

    So my star sign is cancer.

    I'm a projector in terms of human design. So what that means (I'm only just sort of touching the surface on this like I've only just started learning about it).

    But what it means to be a projector is someone who's an avid lover of learning, very intuitive, and have a natural ability to be able to recognize the potential in people and love guiding them, honestly, hence that plays a huge part in to what I'm doing right now.

    I am a river girl so I'll pick the river and camping any day over the beach.

    Just being in nature speaks to my soul. And I remember this one time I was at the beach when I was a teenager and this wave came down and it just completely crushed me and made me tumble up onto the sand. And it just terrified me. So honestly, the beach terrifies me, if I go to the beach, I'll just like go into my knees. That is it.

    I love to move my body, I didn’t exercise back in the day. I never used to I never used to understand it. You know, if I went for a walk, it was like once in a blue moon. But for many years now, like I think I've been training consistently every week unless I've been recovering from having a baby. Um, for about seven or eight years. It's been so yeah, it's a long time. Anyway, I love that definitely makes me such a happier and more productive person. I'm just a better version of myself really, when I exercise.

    I'm a serial procrastinator. That is was one of my bad traits, which I am. I'm getting better.

    I'm a recovering perfectionist.

    My love language is quality time.

    Traveling the world is my dream. I think I've travelled to about 13 countries so far, I think yeah, COVID at the moment, obviously put a stop to that.

    But most importantly above everything else, I am a mother of three spirited young children and married to my best friend Michael.

    So currently, as I record this, our children our eldest daughter is four, our son is two and our youngest daughter is two months. So yeah, two daughters and a son can't believe it like, yeah, what a blessing!

    So a little bit about my background is I do have a background in leadership and coaching development, project management, and financial counselling and I also dabbled a bit in Health Science and Nursing at uni, which I dropped out of both.

    So health science was literally a stepping stone to getting into podiatry. That's what I really wanted to do was become a podiatrist, but I didn't make the enter score that I needed to back that many years ago to get in straight into podiatry.

    So I did health science for about 18 months found that it wasn't me.


    I just couldn't hack the travel, you know, I was traveling three hours a day to get to and from uni, and I was working two jobs on the side of that. So, yeah, a bit much.

    So then I thought, you know, I'll jump into nursing, so I did that for 18 months. Um, and again, just thought, no, that is not for me. Like, that's not for me.

    But I always knew I wanted to serve and funnily enough, fast forward however many years like I, I just turned 30 last month, so you know, it only took me 12 years since finishing school 12 years to figure out, oh, this is what I'm actually supposed to be doing.

    Um, so for the last few years, I have been on my own sort of personal development journey and that was completely sparked from my husband, really, he's the one who started all of that up, because he is also an avid lover of podcasts, he’s actually the one that got me onto podcasts.

    And he was sort of, I guess like my, my guiding light, my I don't know, whatever you want to call that. He was that for me and he was the one that kicked off this whole just wanting to be a better person.

    And, you know, if you know better, you do better. And yeah, so anyway, thank you, Michael!

    So here's a little bit more about my view of money and wealth. Um, this sort of ties into why I'm doing what I'm doing now why I even created Money Mindset Hub.

    Look, initially, I started this because I had no idea what I wanted to do, I always knew that I was called to do more to reach my potential to serve others.

    I love building connections with people, I love helping people. I've definitely been a rescuer, if you've, you know, you've heard of that triangle, you might have even seen it on my Instagram page. There's the, you know, the victim, the aggressor and the rescuer.

    I've definitely been the rescuer more times than I can probably count, but I wanted to stop this.

    Initially, it was because people kept coming to me and asking me about how do I manage money? How do I do that? Just the practical things, budgeting and whatnot.

    Um, and that's where it also started, I loved it, I absolutely loved it, I created an eight week program that I ended up, you know, I sold and it just it honestly, it blew my mind.

    You know, when I reflect on it now, it blew my mind thinking, oh my god, you know for a few years, like, you know, when I was pregnant with my daughter, who like I said she's four so going back five years ago, um, when I was pregnant with her, I started following women in business, and started practicing better habits and teaching myself a better way to have a more positive mindset and to just just change the way I was thinking and change the way that my life was heading.

    And my life was heading in a bad way, like I was very blessed to meet Michael. He was honestly, like, the saving grace for me, you know, I, I genuinely think that he, he saved me because I was in a very bad place when I met him and he's the one that got me up out of that and put me on the path of personal development.

    But I guess, yeah, it that's sort of where it all started. Like, when I finally you know, fast forward, like I was saying, I finally built this program, this eight week program, and it was a, it was a budgeting program.

    And it not only helped people understand the practical side of managing money and how to make better choices with it, but it was also the mindset and the biggest thing that I noticed was the takeaways were the mindset shifts.

    You know, I had women and their partners on these calls with me, and just their complete view around money changed. It went from being something that was just a necessary evil to something that they saw created opportunity and, and options that they never had before and they never looked at it this way before.

    And that's when it all sort of triggered to me I thought, Oh, hang on. I'm really good at this mindset stuff. Yeah, I'm actually really good at teaching people ways to change their mindset and change and mindset in the way that looks at money. As in it's, it's a good thing you know,


    it's not it's not a necessary evil, but we're just conditioned to think that at the start, right, like we're all conditioned, most of us not all of us, I shouldn't say, but most of us are conditioned to view it as something that is that is bad.

    And, I'll go into that, you know, obviously, down the track and a little bit more in a moment, but that moment was, I guess I've been on a journey now for the last, say, 12 months, you know, I took a big break for money mindset hub, because I really needed to just reconnect, obviously COVID happened, that was really stressful.

    And not even just that, but it was, there was just so much going on, there's so much going on. And I just needed to stop, take a break gave birth, my third, our third child.

    So anyway, now I'm coming back and I feel like I'm coming back with more clarity and understanding of, you know, I'm here to serve and to teach the mindset around money and, and what money actually provides, right?

    Because I see it as something that, you know, it's it's neutral, right? It's, it's not good, it's not bad. But like I said, before, you know, we're conditioned to believe that money just creates greed and selfishness, but money just simply amplifies, the person you already are, you know.

    If you are someone who is greedy and selfish, then having lots of money is just going to create more of that for you.

    But if you are someone who is, you know, who is what's the word, I'm looking for God baby brains so strong, who's caring and giving and loving, then that's how money's going to translate into your life.

    So that's why I've sort of gone down this path. So pretty much sorry, if I lose my, my mind, like, where I'm going. I'm sort of just like, riffing here at the moment, I do have a little bit of an outline of things I wanted to say, so that I didn't lose track because I tend to do that.

    But anyway, so pretty much I just want to I just want to speak to like minded women who want to create their own legacy in this world, who want to create their own business and, and not be limited and to actually reach their potential and see what is possible for them.

    And not just through, you know, not just through, like, complete woo woo. Do you know what I mean?

    Like I need I am definitely someone I love the woo and but I also need logic, you know, I need stuff that's backed by science, I need practical exercises that I can do, that helped me unlock my potential and help me reach my potential and help me attract the abundance and wealth that I know I deserve in this life.

    You know, I I honestly see money now, as in your relationship with money, is much like love, right?

    Love is just a feeling that you experience and you can say it in terms of the relationships you create, and how they're nurtured. You know, it isn't just this wooo, magic, right?

    Your external reality is a direct reflection of your internal reality. It's honestly, science.

    So I want women to begin to reframe those negative misconceptions about money and attract more of it.

    You know, you need to get real with your finances. You can't just wish upon a star and say, I want all this money and I want to attract this abundance, but then not actually getting real and never checking your bank account and never know where your money is going.

    You need to have those practical steps because you can't keep burying your head in the sand and not know what's going on, you know, not knowing your numbers, you need to know your numbers.


    And get real with it. You know, you need to look at money, not from a negative place, I look at it from a place of love and gratitude and acceptance and support. Because I honestly believe and I'm learning more about this as I go, I believe that if you become a vibrational match for attracting and receiving the wealth of all kinds, then that's exactly what you will experience in your life.

    You know, too often we sabotage our own success because a lot of times that has to do with our close circle, you know, maybe they're not aligned to the dreams and the visions that we have.

    But I'm honestly I'm here to tell you don't need anyone else's validation to follow your passion and attract the wealth that you desire and deserve, you know, attract your dreams.

    You don't need anyone saying that it's okay. You just need to believe that it's possible for you.

    And it isn't about a dollar figure as such, right. It's good to have goals and it's good to obviously, like I said, know your numbers, know the goal that you're trying to focus on.

    But it's, it's more so about, it's about that the freedom and the security and the opportunity that that dollar figure brings to you in your life, you know.

    So when you set a target, don't just pick a number out of thin air, you know, you've got to think what does it even mean?

    Like if I hit that number, if I attracted that level of abundance, what does that even mean?

    And also when you stop attaching yourself, your self worth to a dollar figure and you start understanding what it means to you in terms of your values and the power of your potential.

    That's when you realize you are limitless. The universe is limitless, you are worthy of receiving it all.

    So yeah, basically, in summary, this podcast is just going to be a compilation of all my learnings and lessons that I, I gather over the time, and I'm just going to keep sharing and in the hope that inspires someone out there who's also wanting to create their own dream life, dream business, and attract all the abundance in the world.

    So yeah, if you resonate, I'd love for you to come along and follow me on this journey and get to know you.

    Take care, and I'll speak to you in the next episode.

    Thanks for listening to this week's episode. I hope you enjoyed it and if so, please subscribe to the podcast and join our mailing list at moneymindsethub.com.

    Until next time, remember, everything you desire and deserve is just on the other side of your own resistance. So take that next step!


2. How to activate your inner wealthy woman.