You don’t need to sacrifice to receive.

I used to second guess what I would share, I would get triggered, I would argue back, I still cared what people thought about me, who I was and who I was supposed to be, and I would feel defeated.

I at times felt like I should quit, give up and just go back to focusing on working my way back up the corporate ladder, because HOW was I ever going to make it in business?

How was I going to make the kind of money I desired too?

The impact I wanted to create?

Make money feel easy and by doing what I loved?

I was so conditioned to believe that the only way I was going to succeed was by working really hard, sacrificing time with my family, my children, my husband, that it would only come AFTER I earnt the money, AFTER my kids started school and I had more time, AFTER I done all the certifications and training and AFTER people would be taken seriously.

I was wrong, it all started with me.

It started with me believing in myself before anyone else would,

It started with me being confident in my strengths, my knowledge, my lived experience,

Then sharing that unapologetically and speaking my own truth.

The crucial thing I forgot was that I was at a different stage on my personal development journey and that I didn’t need to convince anyone of my beliefs and thoughts, because that is mine to hold and being authentically me, following the path that lights me up, serving to help other women change the way their view what is possible for them is my mission.

If you feel like giving up and like it’s all a bit too much, I hear you, I see you, because I have been you.

BUT I promise it gets easier, the more you move, the more you believe, the more you hold faith, it will always come together in the most beautiful ways.

I have experienced the clients coming out of nowhere, the money flowing in so abundantly and not needing to sacrifice anything to receive.

Keep going, you never know what your life will look like if you never try.

Carla xx


How to move forward after misfortune and financial stress.


Your actions and inactions define your reality, it’s all up to you.