Want to Calibrate to Wealth & Success?

Grab a pen and paper and I want you to write a letter to yourself. Now I know this sounds like mumbo jumbo but bare with me and I'll explain at the end why it is important.

The letter to yourself is going to be a letter from the future successful version of you telling you everything she has achieved, everything she is grateful for and what her life is like now.

You MUST write this as if you have already achieved everything and really feel into what you are writing.

Get out your desires, your dreams, your hopes, your vision.

Now WHY would anyone take the time to do this?

If you believe in manifestation, you will understand that getting clear on your desires and acting as if they are already yours is a HUGE factor that determines whether it comes to fruition.

Be sure to be super specific though, write exactly what have you achieved, exactly how much money is in your account, exactly what success looks and feels like to you.

Carla xx


Shh, read my diary… Consciously Creating.


Do you constantly feel resistance when showing up online and fully expressing yourself?