Unconscious energetics is blocking your money flow.

95% of our actions are habitual and controlled by our subconscious mind (aka your unconscious conditioning).

You aren’t actively telling yourself to think, breathe, walk, react in a certain way, think a certain way, be a certain way.

It is so deeply engrained into who you are and how the body / mind connection works.

The unfortunate part is that it isn’t always for the greater good and beneficial for you and your life.

I used to be a really insecure person.

I have a small frame and hated being called little and skinny,

I tried to put on weight but it just couldn’t happen (bless my metabolism pre kids and pre thyroid condition).

My own insecurities caused me to be judgemental, jealous, unkind to myself and battle with depression.

Nothing amazing in life comes without it’s struggles, this is the law of polarity at its finest.

I continue to choose again, over and over for the most part of the last decade and for the rest of my life.

I know how it feels when you have a mental health battle and try to shove it in the invisible drawer in your mind, but eventually it is so full that it bursts open to force you to deal with everyone you’ve suppressed.

Money works the same way.

The amount of money you believe you can create, receive and hold is directly tied to how worthy you feel.

Working on worthiness in every other area of your life will change the way you show up, feel, act, react and what you attract and repel both consciously and unconsciously.

Working on worthiness needs to be your priority each and every day, because you get one shot.

Where does your inner critic show up and make you feel less than?

Catch this and change the narrative, over and over again.

Carla xx


A Little Bit About Me.


Winning the lotto won’t solve your money problems.