Tethering to success.

Hey lovely,

I’m Carla Townsend the Founder and CEO of Money Mindset Hub and the host of the Money Mindset Hub Podcast.⁠
I understand what it feels like to feel stuck, confused, second guessing every decision and trying to crack the code to success and money, but the truth is I was doing it all wrong for so long!⁠

This lead to burnout, overwhelm, wasting time and never moving the needle in my business which made me feel defeated.⁠

That was until I did it, I finally cracked the code and then went on to 13 x my income within four months and it felt easy, fun and exciting! And no, I did not have to sacrifice time with my family and work all hours, (did I mention I have three pre-school aged children too?).⁠

I’m here to teach you how, to guide you, to hold you accountable, to be your sounding board, but most of all support you to find your unique way of doing business and earning money.⁠

If I can do it then so can you, so let’s crack your code to success and tether to the possibilities, shall we?⁠

Momentum Mastermind was made for you, learn more here.

Carla xx


Crack the code to $5k months without the hustle & burnout.⁠


Who are you without the money struggle?