Scared money will change you?

When money is in the hands of good people, only beautiful things come of it.

Money doesn’t change people, money simply amplifies the person they are to their core.

Don’t get it twisted, there are greedy, selfish people with lots of money and guess what? It amplifies those characteristics.

But there are also caring, generous, selfless people ion the world with a sh*t tonne of money and what do they do with money?

They pay it forward, they make a difference in the world and in the lives of many.

That will be you.

If money scares you because you think it may change you, well firstly that’s a limiting belief about money that you have and picked up somewhere along the line, but its it absolutely without a doubt true?

If this one is icky for you, then that’s where you need to dive in, because the answers are truly in your shadows and in the areas of us where we feel off, triggered, anger, doubt, amongst many other.

Here is a good starting point, ask yourself this question, “What would be the worst thing that would happen if I became a multi-millionaire?”

I bet that more comes up, like that people will want to take it from me, people will treat me differently, I wouldn’t know what to do with that kind of money…. and so on.

Go and ask yourself that question and journal it out, you will be shocked at what comes up but awareness is always the first step in any process.

Comment below what rang true for you.

Carla xx

PS. If you haven’t listened to the song “I was here” by Beyoncé, go and do yourself a favour and listen to it and remind yourself who the f*ck you are and who you were born to be.

It is one powerful song, gives me goose bumps each time I listen to it, because it reminds me of what I am here to do in this life and the legacy I will leave behind me.

Side note, check out this short sweet video I created to get started "Money Mindset Fundamentals Uncovered" for only $22.

Link in bio or check out


This is the one question you should ask yourself every time you desire to shift, pivot, evolve, grow or make a change.


Your issue isn’t creating money, it’s receiving it.