Not everyone is going to think you have what it takes.
One of the BIGGEST FACTORS to your success is the people that you are surrounded by and who you have powerful conversations with, and also who you do not.
You have BIG dreams, BIG visions, BIG money goals…
Not everyone is going to think you have what it takes,
Support your dreams,
Want to hear about it,
Ask you about it,
Or truly want to see you succeed.
That's the hard truth.
There will also be those who love you that project their ideas and opinions on you because they fear you failing or they just don't understand, even though they genuinely want you to succeed.
This podcast episode is for you, this convo has come up so many times that I needed to put it out there and thought it's the perfect one to kick off the year with!
LISTEN HERE: Episode 42. Expansive convos must be reserved for the expanders, let's talk standards.