Money Mindset Fundamentals Uncovered

If you ever caught yourself thinking these thoughts, then keep reading because I've got you.

Money makes people greedy

Money is the root of all evil

No matter how hard I work there is never enough money

My pay will always be capped

I have to work really hard for money

Money doesn't grow on trees

I'm not good with money

I can't save money

As soon as I get money it's gone

I used to think some of these, others I have heard over and over again from clients, friends, family, and truly they are all untrue beliefs that we have just picked up along the way and repeated so much in our min that they become our truths.

But they don't have to be, you CAN change your thoughts, feelings and behaviours with money and tap into overflow,

It is just time you start realising this for yourself

I created a short sweet video for only $22 for you to really start to tackle this concept of money mindset and understand it on a deeper level with some powerful Qs for you to journal on.

Link in bio or check out

Carla xx


What your personal power truly means.


Past me never thought any of this was possible for someone like me.