Mastering the fundamentals of money.

Mastering the fundamentals of money firstly begins with:

  • The reclamation of your money story,

  • Uncovering the beliefs,

  • The stories,

  • The self sabotages,

  • Setting your baselines around money,

  • Getting clarity on what you desire to call in and more…

This is setting the foundations for you to continue to grow and expand your wealth consciousness.

Figuring out the how is not always your job.

Too often we get fixated on mapping the complete plan out from a-z and if we cant we feel like we should give up.

But just taking one step at a time and improving 1% every day is what it takes, the plan will always unfold for you and often much more beautifully than you could ever have imagined.

I could not have told you when I was going through the midst of feeling stressed about, broke, living week to week and relying on a credit card, that my reality was going to quickly change.

Sometimes I think how did I end up here?

With a thriving business, a podcast, a signature money program (Money Methodology) and a mastermind (Momentum), when I was so riddled with fear of being seen, speaking my truth and committing to being an expert on the topic of money mindset because of how it impacted my entire life.

Often the area we end up teaching and sharing about is the area of our lives that we have had to grow the most and experienced the most discomfort, because we have lived it and know the impact it can have.

If you have been thinking about expanding your wealth consciousness, please know that it will absolutely change your life and it truly is a huge personal development journey and much, much deeper than money.

Carla xx

PS. This is the energy of module one from Money Methodology


My mission is to support soul led women in business simplify money to create freedom & success without hustling.


Transcend into new heights and become unstoppable.