If your goals don't excite you then they aren't big enough.

While it is wonderful to set a financial goal for yourself especially in business, it is also essential to not get fixated on that goal.

Too often we set a financial intention and then get stuck on wondering how we will make that money, checking in with it too often, making sure it is a SMART goal.

Here is my view on SMART goals:

Specific - Absolutely necessary as we need to get really clear on what our desires are and be sure they are our own and not someone's else's (aka you partner's or your parents)

Measurable - Again super necessary as you need to know how it will look and feel once you achieve your goals and also so you can stay on track.

Achievable - This one is debatable because I believe that any desire you have was put into you for a reason an you re worthy of bringing it into your reality no matter how far fetched it may seem.

Realistic - This one gets me and I don't agree with it when it comes to our big visions and goals in life. When we get stuck in the land of ‘realism’ it keeps us safe and it keeps us small. It can stop us dreaming bigger and reaching our potential, because some of our desires will always be far bigger than any of the dreams of the people around us. F*ck realistic, dream bigger!

Timely - I do think it's good to have short term and long term goals, however the focus should be on doing the things that will bring them closer not how quick or how long it will take. Remember that in the land of quantum physics, time is simply an illusion!

If your goals don't excite you then they aren't big enough.

So do your goals excite you?

Carla xx

Be sure to book your IGNITED 1 hr session to get prepared to go into 2022 as your BEST financial year yet.


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